標題: 以跨文化傳播取徑分析四溪流域之族群互動關係與客家文化認同 I, II, III
A Cross-cultural Communication Approach to the Ethnic Inter-Group Relationships and Cultural Identification of the Taiwanese Hakka in the Four-River Basin
作者: 李美華
Lee, Meihua
關鍵字: 客家;文化認同;族群互動關係;文化間傳播;跨文化溝通能力;跨文化適應;Hakka;Cultural Identification;Ethnic Inter-group Relationships;Intercultural Communication;Cross-cultural Communication;Intercultural Communication Competence;Cross-Cultural Adaptation
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 以跨文化傳播取徑分析四溪流域之族群互動關係與客家文化認同 自解嚴以來,客家族群經歷爭取族群文化傳承以及爭取傳播權與教育權的努力,今天的客家族群相較於九零年代末已有更多的媒體接近使用權與發聲機會。現今的台灣客家族群,除了擁有豐富的語言文化傳統,也具備影響國家政策的力量。客家族群的文化復興,除了靠官方的力量之外,最重要的是客家族群本身的自省自覺,以對於己身族群文化認同的確認與提升。 文化間傳播理論主張吾人之所以成為團體的成員,是經由語言與非語言的互動,達到彼此瞭解與互信後形成的,因此研究一個族群的語言與非語言互動型態,可以得知該群體的文化認同。據此,本研究的主題是以跨文化傳播取徑分析四溪流域各族群之互動關係與文化認同現象,除了探討四溪流域之族群互動與族群關係的歷史與發展樣貌,也探討四溪流域客家族群之媒介使用、跨文化溝通能力以及文化認同之建構。
A Cross-cultural Communication Approach to the Ethnic Inter-group Relationships and Cultural Identification of the Taiwanese Hakka in the Four-River Basin The Hakka has been invisible for many years due to the social, political, and economic context of Taiwan. The situation has been improved since the Hakka Language Movement in 1987. Due to the lack of attention to the Taiwanese Hakka in the past, many problems including their ethnic identification and ethnic consciousness needed to be examined systematically. Based on the theories of intercultural communication and cross-cultural communication, the current study examines how the level of cross-cultural communication competence of the Hakka people influences their cross-cultural adaptation and their cultural identification as they interacting with other ethnic groups.
官方說明文件#: 98-0399-06-05-04-20
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/101614


  1. RRPG98040811.pdf

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