DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorHuang Chih-Fangen_US
dc.description.abstract中文字在藝術上的兩種精華形式:一為古典詩詞,另一項是書法。然而對一 般人而言,若只依據視覺上的感受,就要能夠體驗其秀麗與內涵之精髓是非常困 難的。因此,本研究將藉由兩種「樂化」的方法,包括文字轉換成音樂“Tx2Ms”, 以及圖形轉換成音樂“Im2Ms”,可以提供聽覺上的不同的體驗以及更深層的意涵 感受,也就是將詩文與筆觸的字裡行間之意義萃取出來以為自動創作音樂之依 據。計畫的研究著重於文字聲音與圖像聲音兩個基本的情景,分別將詩詞與書法 轉化成聲音情境,創造一個由聽覺輔助的學習環境,並一方面藉由「五言絕句」 轉化成音樂情境,學習中國古典詩詞;另一方面藉由「草書書法」轉化成音樂情 境,學習中國書法藝術。“Tx2Ms”可透過馬可夫鍊產生音樂結構,而這些音樂結 構係依據中國古典詩詞聲調之亦揚頓挫特性而產生。透過詩詞特性分析,隨機演 算法自動作曲技術將可建構音樂自動創作模型,該模型為馬可夫轉換矩陣所建 構,包括多維度的音樂元素,如時值、力度與音程等關係,可自動生成所需情境 之音樂。在“Im2Ms”方面除了將轉換二維空間上的影像資訊映射至時間上的音樂 聲響維度,其理論依據亦包括了藝術上的主觀認知以及欣賞者對空間、色彩,與 聲音上的觀察。最後中國古典詩詞與中國書法的「樂化」將強化情境與影像的傳 遞過程,透過沉浸式的學習環境建構可使視障者可以自在地感受到中國詩詞與書 法的精妙。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractChinese characters are remarkable for their two forms of art: the classical poetry and the calligraphy painting. However, it is difficult for the visually impaired to experience the beauty of the Chinese characters. In this study, two Musification schemes called Tx2Ms and Im2Ms are proposed to extract the melody between the lines, i.e., both the lines in verses and the lines in strokes. This project presents two basic scenarios in this study: Learning the Chinese Classical Poetry takes the example of the “Five-Character Quatrain”, and appreciating the Chinese Calligraphy Painting takes the example of the “Cursive Script”. The former maps from text onto sound or language to music, and the latter maps from image onto sound, or space to time. In Tx2Ms, we take advantage of Markov Chain to generate the musical structures according to the structural patterns and intonation characteristics of Chinese Classical Poetry. From the poesy analysis, the movement of multi-dimensional musical elements such as durations, dynamics and interval relations are modeled by Markov transition matrix for stochastic algorithmic composition. In Im2Ms, we transform the two-dimensional spatial image information into the temporal music acoustics domain based on artistic conception and human perception among space, color and sound. Eventually, the Musification of Chinese Classical Poetry and Chinese Calligraphy Painting enrich the state of mind and imagery in the delivery process. As a result, a free access for the visually impaired to appreciation and an immersive learning environment of Chinese poetry and calligraphy are developed.en_US
dc.titleA Study of Algorithmic Composition on Chinese Classical Poetry and Chinese Calligraphy Painting---From Sonification to Musificationen_US


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