標題: 戰後初期台灣糖業的接收與公營台糖的成立
Post WwⅡ Initial Period Taiwan Sugar Industry Receive And
作者: 黃紹恆
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 本計畫為三年計畫,以第二次世界大結束後,國民黨政權對其所謂「日產」的接收與處理,特別針對製糖業部份進行探討,並以此為基礎研究公營台糖的成立與其在戰後初期經營條件所具特徵。第一年為「日產」接收與台糖成立的探討,第二年及第三年分別就麻豆總爺糖廠與台東糖廠為個案研究。
This plan is three years plan, greatly had ended after the second world war, Kuomintang political power to its so-called "Japanese Assets" the receive and processing, specially aims at the sugar industry part to carry on the discussion, and take this as basic research public-operated sugar establishment if in postwar initial period operating condition characteristic. The first year is "Japanese Assets" the receive and the sugar establishment discussion, the second year and the third year separately on Matou-Chongyei sugar refinery and Taitung sugar refinery for case study.
官方說明文件#: NSC96-2411-H009-004-MY2
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/101897