DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorChen Chao-hsiuen_US
dc.description.abstract以行動科技支援中學導師工作之行動績效支援系統的設計、發展與評鑑 本研究的目的在於結合電子績效支援系統(Electronic Performance Support System, EPSS)的概念,探討如何運用行動科技於提昇中學導師工作績效並幫助新手教師學習如 何適應導師工作。EPSS 的概念強調提供任務執行者在工作情境裡必要時的支援以及學 習機會,以提昇其工作績效並能從工作中學得相關的知識和技能。近年來也有研究者建 議將EPSS 的觀念用於教育上,以提昇教師與學生的教與學。同時,由於行動科技具有 無所不在、體積小、價格相對便宜等特性,加上無線網路的普及,結合行動科技的EPSS 之應用潛力值得研究者們進一步探討。雖然目前已有將行動科技用於支援中學導師工作 績效的概念提出以及初步系統界面的規劃,但尚未有更完整的系統發展出來提供中學導 師全面性的工作支援,因此本研究將完整地規劃、設計、發展與實施一套行動科技支援 的中學導師工作績效支援系統。 本研究主要包含三個部分:(1)針對中學導師的需求,設計及發展一個利用掌上型 電腦(PDAs)為系統平台的中學導師工作之行動績效支援系統(Ubiquitous Performance Support System, UPSS),提供中學導師必要且及時的資訊、建議與工具,以提昇其工作 績效;(2)以設計導向研究(design-based research)的觀念為基礎,在一所國中施行本 研究發展的UPSS,並進行反覆的「設計、評量、及修改」的過程;(3)在這個反覆的 過程中,運用觀察、個別訪談、焦點團體訪談,專家評估、程式資料記錄等方法收集量 化與質化的資料。 本研究結果將歸納出此行動績效支援系統對於中學導師工作成效的影響、此系統的 施行模式、以及相關系統的設計準則,並對於如何幫助新手教師學習成為有效的導師提 供具體建議。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe design, development, and evaluation of a ubiquitous performance support system for high school homeroom teachers The purpose of this study is to explore how to apply mobile technology to improving the performance of high school homeroom teachers and to helping novice teachers learn how to adapt themselves to the role of a homeroom teacher based on the concepts of Electronic Performance Support System (EPSS). The concepts of EPSS focus on providing task performers with necessary support and learning opportunities within working contexts so the performers can improve their performance and learn relevant knowledge and skills while performing tasks. Recently, researchers suggest the application of EPSS concepts in educational settings to enhance teaching and learning. Meanwhile, because of the characteristics of mobile technology such as ubiquity, smaller sizes, and comparatively cheaper prices and the widespread of wireless network, the potential of integrating mobile technology with EPSS applications should merit further investigation. Although the idea of utilizing mobile technology to support the performance of high school homeroom teachers has been addressed and a prototype of a preliminary interface design has been developed, there seems to be no comprehensive system available for high school homeroom teachers with multiple necessary supports. Therefore, this study intends to plan, design, develop, and implement a Ubiquitous Performance Support System (UPSS) for high school homeroom teachers. This study consists of three main processes, and they are: (1) to design and to develop a UPSS which can provide high school homeroom teachers with necessary and just-in-time information, advice and tools to improve their performance with PDAs as the system platform; (2) to conduct an iterative process of “design, evaluation, and revision” while implementing the developed UPSS in a junior high school based on concepts of design-based research; and (3) to employ research methods including observations, individual interviews, focus groups, heuristic evaluation, and computer logs to collect qualitative and quantitative data during the iterative process. The results will conclude the influence of this UPSS on the performance of high school homeroom teachers, the implementation models of this UPSS, and the design guidelines of UPSS for enhancing teacher performance. This study will also provide concrete suggestions regarding how to help novice teachers become more effective homeroom teachers.en_US
dc.subjectmobile technologyen_US
dc.subjectubiquitous computingen_US
dc.subjectperformance support systemen_US
dc.subjectteacher professional developmenten_US
dc.subjectdesign-based researchen_US
dc.titleThe Design, Development, and Evaluation of a Ubiquitous Performance Support System for High School Homeroom Teachersen_US


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