Title: 低功率計算機設計
Low-Power Computer Design
Authors: 單智君
Keywords: 低功率;計算機;動態分支預測;匯流排;快取記憶體;Low-power;Computer;Dynamic branch prediction;Bus;Cache memory.
Issue Date: 2008
Abstract: 計算機的發展,隨著使用者需求的增加與各種應用的多元化,使得設計上越趨複 雜,晶片內單位面積的電晶體數量也因此快速增加。近年來,不論從散熱問題面或可攜 式產品的需求面來看,低功率技術的開發均為重要的產業發展方向。本計畫擬以三年為 期,由計算機架構的角度出發,探討相關的低功率設計技術。 本計畫提案的研究內容將以低功率、低耗能且兼顧效能為目的,依動態分支預測、 匯流排系統、及快取記憶體等三大方向規劃各研究課題,概述如下: .. 動態分支預測方面:著重於消除無意義的動態分支預測器之存取、分支標的緩衝器 (Branch Target Buffer, BTB)之動態電源管理技術、以及BTB 與快取記憶體 (Instruction Cache)之整合低功率技術等相關議題。 .. 匯流排系統方面:著重於各類位址、指令、及資料在 Full-width Bus 與Narrow Bus 上的編碼技術開發。 .. 快取記憶體方面:著重於迴圈緩衝器(Loop Buffer)之低耗能設計以及L1 Cache 與 L2 Cache 之動態電源管理技術。 本研究計劃符合國科會資訊學門之「前瞻性系統單晶片架構」重點規劃主題中的「低 耗能設計」研究課題,為目前產學研究的重要發展趨勢。基於本研究團隊對計算機架構 及低功率技術的既有研究基礎,期望能將之應用於開發上述低耗能關鍵技術,以對我國 低功率計算機技術的設計開發能力及經濟利益有所助益,並培育相關領域所需之人才。
As the demand for a computer』s performance and its versatility being ever increasing, its design is becoming very complex. The amount of circuits, within a chip or a system, is also sky rocking. On the other hand, in recent years, high demands for both lowered heat dissipation cost and product portability make development of low-power techniques an eye-catching direction. This proposal bases on the computer architecture and explores the important low-power design techniques, in a three-year research effort. The objective of this research project is to explore low-power, low-energy design techniques without sacrificing too much performance. We categorize such techniques into three domains: Dynamic branch prediction, the bus system, and cache memories. Each of these domains contains a number of research topics, as described below: .. Domain1: Dynamic branch prediction-Topics include Elimination of unneeded dynamic branch predictor accesses, Dynamic power management for BTB (branch target buffer), and Integrated design of BTB and instruction cache. .. Domain2: The bus system-Topics include bus information encoding techniques for assorted address/instruction/data/multiplexed busses with full width or narrower. .. Cache memories-Topics include Loop buffer design, and dynamic power management for L1/L2 caches. Contents of this proposal comply with key promotional research topic 「Advanced System-on-A-Chip Architecture - Low-Power Designs」 as outlined by the Information Engineering Discipline, Engineering Division, National Science Council. This is a vital research direction for industry as well as academic and research institutions. Based on our research expertise in computer architecture and low-power technology, we propose to extend our work to develop those low-power key techniques listed above. It is expected that upon the completion of this research, our domestic capacity in low-power computer designs and industrial revenues will be greatly upgraded. Its execution also will certainly produce a good number of urged quality researchers in digital design and SoC development.
Gov't Doc #: NSC95-2221-E009-065-MY3
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/102063
Appears in Collections:Research Plans