標題: 全光都會網狀/環狀骨幹及其互聯之光纖及無線擷取網路整合技術---總計畫
Toward Optical Metro Mesh/Ring Backbones and Interconnected Optical/Wireless Access Networking Technologies
作者: 楊啟瑞
關鍵字: 分波多工;都會型網路;光線路交換;光群聚交換;光封包交換;服務品質保證;媒體存取控制;封包排程;多對一交換機;波長分享;光學緩衝器;經驗法則;無線擷取網路;訊務彙集;乙太光纖被動網路;錯誤更正碼;編碼與解碼技術;WiFi多媒體;WiMAX;Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM);Metropolitan Area Network(MAN);Optical Circuit Switching (OCS);Optical Burst Switching (OBS);Optical Packet Switching (OPS);Quality-of-Service (QoS);Medium Access Control (MAC);Packet Scheduling
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 網際網路頻寬需求的日漸成長與各類型應用軟體之服務品質保證技術,因全光分波多工技術與無線通訊領域之快速進展,使得新世代網路的設計與實現已有巨大的改變。由點對點傳輸觀點來看,新世代網路可細分為下面三種類型:光纖長途骨幹網路、都會型核心主幹網路,及最後一哩或稱之擷取網路。第一類型光纖長途骨幹網路之設計已達穩定發展階段,採用的是分波多工頻道光纖線路交換技術。第二類型之都會型核心骨幹網路旨在支援光纖長途骨幹網路與擷取網路之間的訊務傳輸,訊務特性趨於動態變化,故簡單之光纖線路交換技術無法滿足此類型網路之需求。而第三類型之擷取網路,旨在探討如何直接提供適合的頻寬給使用者,目前最具發展性的網路為光纖擷取網路及無線擷取網路。 本整合型研究計畫(楊啟瑞教授主持),旨在探討以光纖都會網狀/環狀網路為主幹,而能支援無線擷取網路與光纖擷取網路之基本傳輸及服務品質保證之技術。如Figure 2所示,子計畫一(楊啟瑞教授主持)主要在探討具服務品質保證能力之都會環狀網路技術,包含軟硬體研究平台之建構及媒體存取控制機制之服務品質保證技術;子計畫二(張仲儒教授主持)負責探討全光WDM服務品質都會網路中的OBS技術、光纖都會環狀網路之單點和多點傳送訊務彙集方法及光纖到家技術中EPON/GPON的動態頻寬配置(DBA)方法的研究;子計畫三(田伯隆教授主持)將設計高效率、低成本的全光多對一空間交換機,以及可將系統資源(波長、緩衝器)與封包多樣性要求作最佳化並具備快速計算能力的排程控制技術;而子計畫四與五則研究以無線架構為主之擷取網路。子計畫四(陳伯寧教授主持)主要針對高速移動與高速傳輸擷取網路,探討適用的基本無線傳輸之編碼與解碼技術。子計畫五(陳耀宗教授主持)則研究在高速移動的環境下,如何提供多模無線存取網路之服務品質保證技術。
The ever-growing demand for Internet bandwidth and quality of service (QoS) requirement to various applications, because of the advances in optical wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) and wireless technologies, brings about fundamental changes in the design and implementation of the next generation networks. To support end-to-end data transport, there are three types of networks: wide-area long-haul backbone network, metropolitan core network, and local and access networks. First, since next-generation long-haul network has already developed stably, the current trend is towards using the WDM-based optical circuit switching (OCS). Second, a metropolitan core network behaves as transitional bandwidth distributors between the optical Internet and access networks. Due to metro networks exhibit highly dynamic traffic demand, it is infeasible to render static WDM channel utilization completely. Finally, access networks are responsible for providing bandwidth directly to end-users. Two most promising technologies are optical access and wireless access networks, respectively. The main objective of this integrated project (PI: Prof. Maria Yuang) is the provision of the basic transport and QoS guarantees over metropolitan optical and wireless access networks interconnected via optical metro mesh/ring backbone networks. As shown in Figure 3, Subproject 1 (PI: Prof. Maria Yuang) is responsible for the design, analysis, and testbed construction of optical WDM QoS-Enabled metro ring network; Subproject 2 (PI: Prof. Chung-Ju Chang) aims at the design and analyses of optical access networks including OBS-based optical WDM QoS-Enabled metro network, unicast and multicast traffic grooming in optical metro ring network, and dynamic bandwidth allocation (DBA) in ethernet/gigabite passive optical network (EPON/GPON); Subproject 3 (PI: Po-Lung Tien) concentrates on the design and implementation of a high-efficiency, low-cost WDM many-to-one space switch and an intelligent fast packet scheduler which optimizes the resource (wavelengths, optical buffer) allocation and various QoS requirements; Subproject 4 (PI: Po-Ning Chen) focuses on the optimal system design that combines channel estimation, equalization and error protection for high-mobility high-transmission-rate access networks; and finally Subproject 5 (PI: Prof. Y. C. Chen) then investigates QoS enabling technology under a fast mobility over multimode wireless access networks.
官方說明文件#: NSC95-2221-E009-050-MY3
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/102111