標題: 寫作不剽竊---寫作剽竊迷思概念及電腦輔助文句改寫之研究
Writing without Plagiarizing---Diagnosis of Plagiarism and Computer-Assisted Paraphrasing
作者: 孫于智
關鍵字: 剽竊;文句改寫;索引工具;Google;資料驅動學習;Plagiarism;paraphrasing;concordancing;Google;Data-driven Learning
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 許多研究顯示學生觸犯寫作剽竊行為是普遍卻多數是無意的,也因此以英語為第二外語學習者的文本剽竊成為近來學術領域相當受到關注的議題。部分學者表示,L2作者不當引用他人文章內容的原因通常是出自於他們缺乏對於剽竊定義的了解,以及本身語言能力的不足。但多數以剽竊為議題的研究都只針對ESL情境中的L2作者進行研究,鮮少針對完全不曾受過西方語言及文化薰陶的學生進行研究。有鑒於此,本研究將分為兩個階段來施行。第一個階段的目的為探究台灣的EFL學生對於寫作剽竊以及改寫的認知與誤解,而研究的方法則採用文本分析的方式來分析學生文章,並與學生進行訪談。唯有在清楚瞭解學生本身對於剽竊與改寫的認知後,才有可能更有效地引導學生避免不適當地使用原始資料與文獻。第二階段則針對L2作者語言能力的不足,提出索引工具以及Google搜尋引擎為資料驅動學習的輔助工具。 第一年的計畫採用文本分析的方式分析將近30名EFL大學學生的寫作作品,並與其中6名學生進行訪談。這樣的做法目的在於研究學生引用他人文章詞句的各種使用型態,以及學生如何使用先備知識進行改寫,又學生如何進行改寫動作。其他的研究目的還包含學生對於剽竊行為的敘述性知識,以及學生對於自己如何使用原始資料的說明與闡釋。 第二年的研究計畫則利用一般的索引工具以及Google搜尋引擎幫助學生改寫,並比較兩者的使用成效。學生將被要求進行放聲思考與立即回想,以提供之後分析學生學習過程的參考資料。所有放聲思考以及立即回想的訪談過程都將被錄音並譯為逐字稿。而上述所有研究方法的使用,其目的在於探究學生的學習過程、學習策略的使用、以及學生在使用索引工具或Google後可能造成的改寫錯誤。
Textual plagiarism by L2 writers in academic settings is an issue that received growing attention recently. Several studies reported apparent, unintentional textual plagiarism in students’ academic writing. Researchers indicated that the major factors that cause L2 writers’ textual borrowing usually results from their lack of knowledge about plagiarism and language deficiency. Most studies on plagiarism focused on L2 writers in an ESL context. Very few, if any, addressed the issues of students who have never immersed themselves in the linguistically and culturally diverse Western environment. Thus, the present study is two-fold. First, it aims to examine Taiwanese EFL learners’ understandings, misconcepts or alternative concepts, and perceptions of plagiarism and paraphrasing by using text analysis of students’ writing and interview techniques in the data collection process in the hope to gain new insight into the knowledge-base of Taiwanese EFL writers. Only with a clear understanding of students’ understandings of plagiarism, their alternative concepts, and perceptions of plagiarism can they be effectively helped to avoid inappropriate source use. Second, the current study aims to employ concordancer and Google as data-driven learning resources in facilitating learners’ paraphrasing process to compensate for their linguistic deficiency. In the first-year project, text analysis of students’ writing and interview techniques will be employed to investigate types of textual borrowing in their source use, to identify what prior knowledge students brought with them, to explore their reasoning behind this knowledge, to identify their declarative knowledge of plagiarism and appropriate source use, and to explores their explanatory knowledge for their choices. A total of about 30 EFL college students’ written text will be included in the text analysis and 6 students will be invited to participate in the interview. In the second-year project, it aims to explore and compare the effectiveness of using Google and concordancer as a corpus tool in learners’ performance in paraphrasing tasks. Both think-aloud protocols and immediate retrospection will be used to generate data on and insights into the participants’ data-driven paraphrasing processes. All the think-aloud protocols and the retrospective interviews will be audio-taped and transcribed, A qualitative analysis will be conducted to examine the learning process, strategy use, gains, or errors resulting from the concordancer/Google search in paraphrasing process.
官方說明文件#: NSC97-2410-H009-038
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/102155