標題: 撓性顯示器性能量測方法之研究
Study on Performance Measurement Method of Flexible Display
作者: 呂宗熙
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 硬梆梆的顯示器已經無法滿足人們舒適方便生活的需求;反觀軟性 顯示器有著輕、薄、可撓曲、耐衝擊具安全性,且不受場合、空間限制 的特性,儼然成為下一世代最佳之顯示器,能當作日常生活中的電子書 和電子紙,因此軟性顯示器之特性量測成為一個重要的課題。本計畫擬 分兩年進行,第一年著重於機械性能的量測方法,而第二年著重於光電 性能的量測方法。 本計畫擬提出新的方法量測機械性能,此方法藉由本計畫設計的機 構施加外力於撓性顯示器,造成扭轉以及彎矩的作用,使得撓性顯示器 彎曲,並以CCD 拍攝顯示器變形的狀況,再進一步利用影像處理的方法, 計算出顯示器的曲率半徑,反推出機械性質。利用這個方法,可以量測 出顯示器在不同的曲率半徑下,所承受的扭轉角、彎矩和應力、應變。 實用上電子書和電子紙由於隨身攜帶,所以會受到扭轉與彎曲,因而顯 示器必須具備承受扭轉與彎曲外力的功能,但是文獻僅見用來彎曲顯示 器的量測機構,尚未見文獻出現扭轉顯示器的量測機構,所以本計畫將 會進行扭轉與彎曲的量測機構的設計與製作。第二年擬運用前一年的扭 轉和彎曲平台進行實驗,比較各種變形狀況下,亦即不同扭轉角和曲率 半徑的時候,它的阻抗變化與響應時間,阻抗大小關係節能與否,不僅 實驗量測,本計畫還擬推導阻抗和顯示器的幾何變形關係的理論模式; 至於響應夠快,才能有效地顯示動畫及影片。此外,為了鑑定成像品質, 將建立量測輝度(Luminance)的方法,然後觀察各種變形時候的成像。 本計畫的成果有助於奠定撓性顯示器之技術,維持我國顯示器產業 在世界上的主角地位。
Being able to serve as e-book and e-paper, flexible display is thin and flexible, securities shock-resistant, not limited by the occasion or space, and is promising as forthcoming display device. Therefore, the performance measurement of flexible display becomes an important issue. This study puts forward a new method of measuring performance of the flexible display. This project intends to be carried out in two years. The first year is focused on measurement of mechanical performance, while the second year on that of electro-optical performance. Using a mechanism designed in this project, twist and bending twist deformations of flexible display are monitored by CCD cameras. Subsequent image processing calculates curvature radius of the display. This method is designed to exert external forces on the flexible display. It results in the function of a curved square and makes the flexible display crooked. Next, this project will shoot the crooked state of the flexible display with CCD, and carries out image processing in order to calculate the radius of curvature of the flexible display under loading. By means of this method, we can obtain the twist angle, bending moment, stress, and strain of the flexible display under different radii of curvature. In practice, e-book and e-paper will subject to twist and bending due to portable use. However, the literature only shows mechanisms for bending measurement. Thus, this project will design and fabricate mechanisms for measuring twist and bending performances of display. The second year will use the mechanism platform completed in the first year to further investigate display impedance variation with display geometry caused by twist and bending. Not only measurement method will be constructed, but also theoretical derivation of the relationship between impedance and deformation geometry resulting from twist and bending will be conducted. The project result will help flexible display technology and in the world maintain the strong position of the display industry of our country.
官方說明文件#: NSC97-2221-E009-011
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/102158