標題: 閘極局域的開放式量子點與一維通道的抽運傳輸、整流、與自旋極化機制
Quantum Pumping, Rectification, and Spin Polarization of Gate-Confined Open Quantum Dots and 1D Channels
作者: 許世英
關鍵字: 量子電荷抽運;整流性電流;量子點;量子窄通道;自旋極化電流;quantum charge pumping;rectification;quantum dot;quantum narrow channel;spin-polarized current.
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 我們將繼續之前在奈米結構的量子電荷抽運與整流傳輸機制的研究,我們有興趣
異質結構上製作各式奈米尺度的表面閘極,此高mobility 的二維電子氣乃由以色列
Weizmann 研究中心的Umansky 博士研究小組提供,開放式量子點可藉由兩高頻但具
相位差的局域位能造成量子系統在無外加DC 偏壓下產生DC 電流,此抽運的測量技術
安排的效應並進而更瞭解此二機制,我們將設計不同RF 閘極組態,觀察dc 電流,釐
Zeeman 分裂下將可成為相位同調的自旋抽運,組合量子點與量子尖端接點可形成自旋
In all, we propose to continue our studies in quantum charge pumping and rectification
transport properties within nanostructures. Nanostructures that we are interested in are
gate-confined quantum dots and one dimensional narrow channels. Moreover, spin
polarization in nanostructures will also be explored. We have been successfully set up
e-beam lithography that allows us to make different arrangements of surface gates atop
GaAs-based 2DEG. The high mobility GaAlAs/GaAs heterostructures are provided by Dr.
Umansky at the Weizmann Institute in Israel. The measurement for DC pumped current
induced by two confining potentials with the same frequency (up to 80MHz) but a phase
difference (0~2釘) has also well established. Earlier work provides evidence that we have
observed quantum charge pumping in open quantum dots. The alleviation of rectification
current in our devices is attributed to geometrical symmetry of gate arrangement. However,
there are many interesting and important properties required to be further investigated. For
instance, the influence of the gate arrangement on both quantum pumping and rectification
mechanisms is one issue. The impact of dot properties such as dot size, number of electrons,
energy level spacing,.. etc. on quantum charge pumping is another critical issue. Then, we
expect to promote our technique with frequency up to 40GHz and focus on the quantum
charge pumping in narrow channels. Finger gate array will be fabricated on the top of a
narrow channel. It has also been known that a quantum-dot based charge pump in the
presence of sizable Zeeman splitting would function as a phase-coherent spin pump.
Combination of a quantum dot and a quantum point contact can act as a spin-polarized
current generator and detector. The role of spin-orbit interaction in spin relaxation and
decoherence will be explored.
官方說明文件#: NSC96-2112-M009-030-MY3
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/102206