DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorCHUNG SHU-HSINGen_US
dc.description.abstract計畫名稱:彩色濾光片專業廠主生產排程機制之構建 彩色濾光片(Color Filter;CF)為薄膜電晶體液晶顯示器(Thin Film Transistor Liquid Crystal Display;TFT-LCD)的關鍵材料。CF 專業外售廠負 責接收來自TFT-LCD 製造廠商委託的訂單,其生產型態為訂貨式生產 (Make to Order, MTO)。CF 生產線的投資成本極為昂貴,如何做最有效之 生產規劃是最重要的議題,因此本計劃將探討CF 專業廠的生產規劃問題。 CF 廠生產線之換線作業所耗用之產能,隨著產品別之先後順序而有差 異。換線作業可分為產品、光阻與玻璃尺寸三種方式。產品換線時,需進行 曝光機台的光罩更換;光阻換線時,須進行曝光機台光阻管線的排空與清洗;玻 璃尺寸換線時,需將生產線的所有機台停機,並進行機台參數之調整。在上述三 種換線之後,尚需進行首批產品之品質驗證,且在品質驗證之前,機台均無法進 行加工。總言之,CF廠之生產排程具有順序相依的特性(Sequence Dependent Setup Times;SDST)。 CF 專業廠負責接收來自多家廠商所委託之訂單,且必須嚴格遵守交期限 制,因此,本計畫將建構一套主生產排程規劃機制,以期在滿足交期的限制之下, 達成最低生產成本之目的。吾人並採用實驗設計,檢驗當各項生產屬性(光罩、 光阻與玻璃規格等屬性)之範圍產生變化時,對於總產出量、產能利用率、總生 產成本等各項績效指標的影響,吾人並以資料包絡分析法(Data Envelopment Analysis, DEA)找出最穩健的屬性種類組合,以提供專業廠在承接各TFT-LCD 製 造廠訂單時的承包策略建議。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractTopic: The Mechanism for Master Production Scheduling for Specialized Color Filter Contractors. Color filter (CF) is the key parts in the thin film transistor liquid crystal display (TFT-LCD) product. The CF-Specialized factory receives orders from large number of TFT-LCD manufacturers, its production type is make-to-order (MTO). The investment for the CF production line is extremely expensive. Therefore, this project tends to resolve the problem of production planning for CF contractors, so as to make capacity effectively utilized. The setup time required may be different based on the production sequence of product types of the jobs. The setup operations can be divided into three types, which are product, photo-resist and glass size changes. The product change incurs the changing of the reticle in the exposure machine; the photo-resist change refers to the pipeline exhausting and cleaning of the exposure machine; the glass size change needs to stop all the machines of the production line and then adjust the parameters for the next jobs with different glass size. In the end of the setup operations, one pilot lot with dummy glasses will be run on the machines for quality assurance purpose. Before the verification is done, all the machines stand by and can not work for production. In summary, scheduling of CF production line is one kind of sequence dependent setup times Scheduling (SDSTS). The CF- specialized factories receive orders from various clients and should strictly obey the due time restrictions. The project thus constructs a mechanism of master production scheduling planning for the specialized factory to minimize the total production cost under the restrictions of due time. The design of experiments (DOE) is implemented to investigate how the range of production attributes, e.g. reticle, photo-resist, glass size and so forth, affect the key performance indexes, e.g. throughput, utilization, total production cost and so forth, in the CF factory. The data envelopment 表C011EAB 共2 頁,第2 頁 analysis (DEA) is further utilized to find most robust combination of the above attributes, in order to provide useful suggestions while taking the orders from TFT-LCD manufacturers.en_US
dc.subjectthin film transistor liquid crystal display (TFT-LCD)en_US
dc.subjectcolor filter(CF)en_US
dc.subjectsequence dependent setup time scheduling (SDSTS)en_US
dc.titleThe Mechanism for Master Production Scheduling for Specialized Color Filter Contractorsen_US