標題: 廣電媒體的市場競爭、市場行為與媒體表現相關性研究---檢視台灣無線電視、有線電視及廣播電台三個媒體產業
Examining the Relationships among Market Competition, Organizational Conducts, and Media Performance---A Study on Taiwan's Electronic Media Industries
作者: 李秀珠
關鍵字: 產業組織理論;SCP 模式;無線電視;有線電視;廣播電台;市場競爭;市場行為;及媒體表現;及策略聯盟;Industrial organization theory;SCP model;terrestrial television industry;cabletelevision industry;radio industry;market competition;organizational conducts;strategic alliance.
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 本研究採用產業組織理論中的SCP 模式來探討台灣無線電視,有線電視,及廣播 電台等三個產業,其市場競爭,市場行為,及媒體表現的相關性,主要重點將放在市 場競爭與媒體表現之相關性研究,也會將部分重點放置於市場行為(策略聯盟)的探 討,主要的研究目的有三: (1) 針對台灣無線電視產業,本研究分析從1986 年至2005 年無線五台,其市場競 爭對節目多樣性的影響,本研究將分析五台這20 年來,個別的節目多樣性及老 三台的節目多樣性,以評估市場競爭所帶來的影響。另外,本研究也檢視無線 電視台的策略聯盟行為。 (2) 針對有線電視產業,本研究將檢視市場競爭對有線電視媒體表現的影響,此外, 有線電視媒體表現的另一個重要之面向即是其是否提供具地方特性的節目及服 務,以彰顯其地方媒體的特色,本研究亦探討有線電視的策略聯盟行為。 (3) 針對廣播電台產業,本研究也將用聽眾滿意度的調查來評估其媒體表現,此外, 本研究也採用深度訪談廣播電台業者之方法,來收集也電台策略聯盟的進行與 形成因素。
This study adopts the SCP model as the theoretical framework to examine the relationships among market competition, organizational conducts, and market performance in Taiwan』s three media industries—terrestrial television industry, cable television industry, and radio industry. This study will be conducted in three years. The terrestrial television industry in Taiwan will be investigated in the first year, the cable television industry the second year, and the radio industry the third year. Four methods will be employed to collect data for this study, which are content analysis, telephone survey, intensive interviews on media operators, and secondary data analysis. The findings will be valuable for policy makers when they try to use media policy to construct a healthy environment for the development of electronic media in Taiwan. Furthermore, the results will allow the researcher to verify or revise the SCP model, which make a good contribution to the existing literature.
官方說明文件#: NSC96-2412-H009-005-MY2
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/102273