標題: 區塊研究---科學論證之數位學習課程與概念改變研究
Research of Scientific Argumentation Based Digital Learning Content and Conceptual Change
作者: 佘曉清
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 本單一整合型計畫「科學論證之數位學習課程與概念改變研究」的目標,是結合科學教 育的雙重情境學習模式、論証、科學教師專業成長的理論與實務研究基礎,結合認知心理學 與多媒體學習理論、人機互動設計等理論,進而建立一個科學論證數位學習課程與環境,進 而深入研究學生的論證與概念改變情形。 為達此目的,整個研究將包含四個主軸,〈主軸一〉即為探討學生在數位學習環境的論 證與概念改變情形;〈主軸二〉為促進學生的論證與概念改變,在整個計畫中還包含研究教 師專業成長的部分,此部分除了以辦研習會方式並提供學習平台協助教師學習科學論證與概 念改變。由於科學的數位學習的課程是否可以成功,除了必須有堅固的理論基礎完成課程的 內容設計外,還有二樣非常關鍵性的因素,及分列為主軸三和四。〈主軸三〉則為人機互動 設計理論,如介面的設計是否思考使用性、有利於學習、互動性、清晰度,引發學習者有學 習動機、啟發創意,促進其科學學習效益,以人機互動的設計與使用性等因素在近二年也備 受重視。〈主軸四〉其為多媒體學習的認知理論與認知負荷論,即在設計上是否考量訊息呈 現方式對於學習者的認知負荷,這一點在近五年來備受重視。因此,此計畫將同時在科學論 證數位學習課程中融入以上二點的看法進行設計,期能提升學生的論證與概念改變。並且同 時,以本數位學習內容進而針對此二向度進行深入研究其對學生學習之影響。 本研究的貢獻將可突破目前數位學習系統研究的限制,將科學教育中的研究發現、科學 學科知識、與數位學習之人機互動的設計理論、多媒體認知心理學和認知負荷理論結合,進 而營造出提升學生科學論證的數位學習環境,並且促進學生的科學概念改變。經這樣跨領域 的理論與研究之結合,將會提升整個研究計畫的品質,同時促使本研究不論在數位學習內容 的設計品質與理論之結合度上均達到國際水準。更重要相信不僅能在論證與概念改變的研究 上有更新的突破,也能在教師專業發展上、科學數位學習之人機互動的設計、多媒體認知心 理學和認知負荷研究上有創新的研究發現。
The purpose of this project is to develop a Scientific Argumentation Based Digital Learning System and Content in order to promote students』 conceptual change. The contents would be developed based upon the theory of scientific argumentation and Dual Situated Learning Model (She, 2002, 2003, 2004a, 2004b) which is a conceptual change model. In order to maximize students』 scientific argumentation and conceptual change, therefore, science teacher professional development, human computer interaction design, and multimedia cognitive theory and cognitive load also would be included in this project. The four domains of this project are: Domain 1 is to explore the nature of students』 scientific argumentation and scientific conceptual change within digital learning content. Domain 2 is to explore the nature of science teacher professional development on scientific arguementatation based digital leanring and conceptual change. Domain 3 is to explore the best HCI design for Scientific Argumentation Based Digital Learning System and Content, and how would these design impact on students. Domain 4 is explore whether modality effect need to be modified and what would be the best way for organizing multimedia information, such as animation or picture plus audio text or visual text or others. This research would make significant contribution to the science learning as well as science teacher professional development, HCI design for science learning, and multimedia cognitive thories for science learning. It is believed it should bring more breakthrough results on students』 scientific argumentation and conceptual change through integrating those theories from different fields. Particularly, it would provide us deeper understanding of the patterns of students』 conceptual changes before and after groups』 students』 scientific argumentation in digital learning environment through eye movement studies. Moreover, it also would produce many encouraging results on scientific teacher professional development, HCI design and science learning, and multimedia congnitive theories and science learning.
官方說明文件#: NSC95-2522-S009-001-MY3
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/102276