Title: 結合生物反饋之新世代腦機介面及其在移動載具控制之應用---子計畫五:增進人類空間巡行能力之生物反饋訓練系統(I)
Development of Biofeedback Training System to Enhance Human Spatial Navigation(I)
Authors: 林進燈
Keywords: 空間巡行;迷失方向;生物反饋;虛擬實境;動感平台;生理訊號;Spatial Navigation;Disorientation;Biofeedback;Virtual Reality;Dynamic Platform;Physiological Signals
Issue Date: 2008
Abstract: 本計畫以虛擬實境動感平台與生物反饋技術為基礎,針對空間巡行迷路問題作訓練與修正。當使 用者本身已迷失方向,將無法控制載具到達正確目標,這是一個相當重要但很少被探討的問題,因此 本子計畫將探討使用者本身空間巡行功能之行為與生理關連性,進而藉由生物反饋,提升使用者的空 間巡行能力,具備良好的方向感可以讓我們在找尋目標時節省更多的時間與能量。在判斷方向時,往 往會由於所使用策略的不同,而造成與實際方位有所偏差。我們在第一年現階段的實驗已經可以成功 分辨方向感的策略,之後我們將在三年內利用虛擬實境技術探討具有不同方向感的人策略之差異,探 討被動式導引與主動式導引條件下之使用者行為與腦電波生理反應之關連性,並利用調控腦電波活動 區域與特徵的生物反饋技術,訓練缺乏方向感的人改變策略,提升空間巡行之能力。 本研究計畫為三年期的整合型計畫,本子計劃主要的研究項目分成三大類,我們將(1) 探討人類 空間巡行決策模式及其生理訊號關連,建立空間運行能力相關之生理訊號資料庫,探討不同決策對空 間航行能力之差異。 (2) 研究誘發多重感測機能如Visual perception、Body sensation、motor control對 空間改變體驗與認知之影響。(3)最後,透過生物反饋技術,藉由腦電波生理訊號之調變,訓練人類運 用良好決策模式,強化空間航行之能力。可預期使用者在經過空間航行能力訓練後,能有效提升控制 移動載具到達目標的正確率。
In this subproject, we focus on solving the problem of human disorientation and enhance their spatial navigation ability based on the development of virtual-reality (VR) dynamic platform and biofeedback technologies in the past few years. Once subjects lose their orientation, they are unable to control the vehicle to reach the correct target. This kind of disorientation problem is quite important but less discussed and investigated recently. Therefore, this subproject will investigate the relation of subjects’ spatial navigation between behavior and physiology responses. Then, it will enhance their spatial navigation relying on training programs and biofeedback technologies. While searching the desired target, possessing well ability in sense of direction can help human to save more time and power. When we are determining the direction, human always makes deviation error with the actual direction due to use different strategies. In the next three years, we will utilize our development of VR technology to investigate the human difference by using several of spatial navigation strategies. In the meanwhile, we will also investigate the correlation between subjects’ behavior data and physiological signals under passive or active guidance conditions. At last, biofeedback technology with EEG signal modulation in active brain area can help training human with disorientation problem to change their strategies in spatial recognition and expect to enhance their spatial navigation abilities. During the following three years, this subproject will focus on three major topics including (1) investigating human strategies of spatial navigation and correlations with physiological signals. Establishing spatial navigation database based on physiological signal and investigating the difference with different strategies in spatial navigation. (2) Exploring the effect on multi-sensory activation in spatial cognition and navigation, such as visual perception, body sensation and motor control. (3) Finally, we can modulate the physiological signal to train some well strategies to enhance human spatial navigation ability. We can expect to improve the performance via biofeedback technology because subjects after training programs of spatial navigation can effectively control the moving vehicle to reach the correct target
Gov't Doc #: NSC97-2221-E009-141
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/102287
Appears in Collections:Research Plans