標題: 多媒體數位版權管理的服務與技術之研究
A Study on Multimedia Digital Rights Management Service and Techniques
作者: 蔡文祥
關鍵字: 數位典藏;浮水印;資訊隱藏;註解隱藏;完整性驗證;版權保護;數位版權管理;認證中心;digital archiving;watermark;information hiding;data hiding;integrityverification;copyright protection;digital rights management;authenticationcenter
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 「數位典藏與數位學習國家型科技計畫」-數位典藏部份之主要的目的是要落實數 位典藏資訊的知識化與社會化,本計畫是其中之一環。本計畫之前身已經利用資訊隱藏 方法,發展出多項用來植入及保護多種影像註解及版權資訊的技術,及一套整合此等技 術的「資訊保護家InfoProtector」應用軟體。本軟體可針對BMP、JPG、GIF 以及TIFF 靜態影像與MPEG-4 動態視訊,以不同的資訊隱藏方法藏入多種資訊,以及進行自我驗 證的動作。本計畫將延伸此一成果,針對典藏服務進行數位版權管理技術研發,使成果 更契合各種數位典藏之需求。並推展網路服務,開發網路版「資訊保護家」提供數位版 權服務,使數位典藏更社會化。主要的研究重點包括:建構「多媒體DRM 與驗證中心」 與建制中心網站、研發更多樣之多媒體DRM 技術、開發更符合社會及科技脈動之DRM 服務等。 更詳言之,本計畫將以三年時間完成以下事項: 一、 「多媒體DRM 與驗證中心」之建構與網站之設計 第一年: 1. 多媒體三層驗證管理機制的建立 2. 資訊保謢家網路公開化之探討 3. 網站網頁的結構設計 第二年: 1. 驗證用資料庫的建構 2. DRM 中心之推廣及本網站與其他媒體網站的連結 第三年: 1. 網站系統的安全保護 2. 中心 DRM 工作之拓展及網站世界化之發展 二、 DRM 技術之研發 第一年: 1. 對多媒體做浮水印與驗證訊號之植入 2. 多媒體版權及竄改驗證 3. 網頁內容非法下載複製之防止 第二年: 1. 以多媒體作秘密傳輸 2. 複製已認證過影像之防止 3. 多媒體連續加浮水印之防止 第三年: 1. 多媒體秘密分享服務 2. 手機相片加 DRM 浮水印做版權保護與驗證 3. 手機視訊版權保護及下載觀看之管控 三、 DRM 服務之開發 第一年: 1. 在影像上加可視浮水印做保護及其移除 2. 以可視浮水印保護視訊之播放及其移除 3. 有可視浮水印視訊的有限次數下載 4. 中文 Email 文章之驗證 第二年: 1. PDF 之版權保護、散佈管控與破壞驗證 2. CSS 網頁之保護 3. 引用文句之保護與驗證 4. 一般網頁文字內容保護 第三年: 1. Blog 內容的存證 2. BBS 文章之保護與驗證 3. 電腦程式原始碼的保護 4. 投影片版權及內容之保護
“The National Digital Archives Program” aims mainly to carry out the transformation of digitally archived information into knowledge for use by the societies, and this project is part of it. A forerunner project of this one, based on the use of information hiding, has developed a series of techniques for embedding annotation and copyright information into a variety of multimedia and for protection of such information. A software application package “InfoProtector” has also been developed, which integrates these developed techniques. This software can be utilized to embed many types of information into BMP, JPG, GIF, and TIFF images as well as MPEG-4 videos, and to conduct authentication operations on them for various purposes. This project will extend these achievements to the further applications of digital rights management (DRM) for the purpose of serving various needs of digital archiving. It is also aimed to offer various online services of DRM, based on a web-based InfoPortector also to be developed in this project, in order to carry out the mission of socialization of digital archives. The major research directions of this project include: (1) construction of a center for DRM and authentication for multimedia (abbreviated as the DRM center in the sequel) and its website; (2) investigation of DRM techniques for more types of multimedia; and (3) creation of more DRM services meeting society and technology trends. More specifically, in three years this project will try to accomplish the following research items: (1) Construction of a DRM center and its website 1st Year: 1. Establishment of a scheme for three-layered authentication management of multimedia 2. Development of web-based InfoProtector for online services 3. Design of webpages for the DRM center’s website 2nd Year: 1. Construction of a database for authentication services 2. Promotion of the DRM center’s services and linkaging to other sites 3rd Year: 1. Security protection of the DRM center 2. Extension of the DRM center’s services and globalization of the center (2) Investigation of DRM techniques for more types of multimedia 1st Year: 1. Embedding of watermarks and authentication signals into multimedia 2. Authentication of copyright and tampering of multimedia 3. Prevention of illegal downloading of webpage contents 2nd Year: 1. Covert communication via multimedia 2. Prevention of duplicating copyright-protected images 3. Prevention of double watermarking of multimedia 3rd Year: 1. Offering of multimedia secret sharing services 2. Watermarking pictures taken with mobile phones for copyright protection and authentication 3. Copyright protection and limitation of watch times of videos played on mobile phones (3) Creation of more DRM services meeting society and technology trends 1st Year: 1. Embedding of visible watermarks into images and removal of them for copyright protection 2. Limitation of playing videos by visible watermarking 3. Limitation of video watch times by visible watermarking 4. Authentication of e-mail contents 2nd Year: 1. Copyright protection, distribution control and tampering authentication of PDF files 2. Protection of CSS webpages 3. Protection and authentication of cited texts 4. Protection of webpage text contents 3rd Year: 1. Preserving and authentication of blog contents 2. Protection and authentication of BBS contents 3. Protection of computer source programs 4. Protection of copyrights and contents of Powerpoint files
官方說明文件#: NSC97-2631-H009-001
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/102303