標題: 中國悼亡詩詞的聲情效應
Sound Symbolism in Chinese Poetry of Mourning
作者: 許慧娟
關鍵字: 聲情效應;悼亡詩詞;sound symbolism;poetry of mourning
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 據筆者所知,漢語尚無有關「悲」的聲情效應的系統研究,本計畫擬從語料庫語言 學的角度著眼,以悼亡詩詞為素材,進行較大規模的聲情效應的研究。主要的研究議題 包括: (1) 所有音節成分是否都足以有效營造「悲」的聲情效應? (2) 個別音節成分在展現「悲」的聲情效應上有否程度差異? (3) 個別音節成分賴以達到「悲」的聲情效果的語音特質是什麼?背後有何語 音理據? (4) 同一音節成分中具備能有效達到「悲」的聲情效果的不同語音是否反映語 言使用者的偏好?若有,背後有何語音理據? (5) 檢驗相關聲情理論。 本計畫在學術上的預期貢獻除了檢驗鈍音-悲情關聯的相關文獻,更因為漢語幾乎 是「一詞一音節」(one-morpheme-per-syllable)的特性,可以觀察其他各個音節成分在「悲」 的聲情效應上能有多少著力。
To my knowledge, no systematic study of sadness symbolism in Chinese is ever undertaken. This project plans to look into Chinese poetry of mourning from a corpus-linguistic perspective to see how sadness symbolism in Chinese is presented. Important issues to be explored include (a) Whether sadness symbolism is attributable to all syllabic elements? (b) Do syllabic elements create different degrees of sadness association? If so, what is the scale? (c) Through what phonetic property does a certain syllabic element effectively create sadness association? What is the phonetic motivation behind? (d) Do phonemes in the same syllabic elements create the same degree of sadness association? Is there the native speaker’s preference? If so, what is the phonetic motivation behind? (e) Examine previous studies on sadness symbolism. In addition to examining previous studies on grave-sadness association, this project is expected to reveal what other syllabic elements can do with regard to sadness symbolism owing to the ‘one-morpheme-per-syllable’ tendency in Chinese.
官方說明文件#: NSC97-2410-H009-033
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/102350


  1. 972410H009033.PDF

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