Title: 奈米接面系統的簡併電子與磁自旋電子的輸運性質
Spin Polarized Transport and Spin Unpolarized Transport in Nano Junctions
Authors: 陳煜璋
Chen Yu-Chang
Issue Date: 2008
Abstract: 本研究計畫為三年期的計畫。計畫內容區分為兩部分:第一部分是分子電子學的
探討奈米接面系統的電子傳輸性質,如閘極效應、local heating, shot noise, inelastic current,
current induced force 等多體效應,並進一步研究分子電晶體的可行性與機制。第二部分
存,加上電子隧穿特性的影響,此系統的TMR (tunneling magnetoresistance)效應預期會
有潛力應用於奈米級磁自旋電子元件的製作,例如spin field effect transistor(SFET)等自
In this 3-year project, we propose to study the transport properties in nano scale
junctions. This project can be casted into two categories: spin-unpolarized transport and
spin-polarized transport. For spin degenerate case we plan to continue our previous works on
the transport properties in nano scale junctions. We will investigate the properties of electron
transport in atomic/molecular bimetal junction, including the effect of gate field and
many-body effects occurred in this system. We will study the fundamental physical
phenomena happened in nano junction, such as effects of local heating, inelastic current,
shot noise, and current induced force. All these basic research can contribute to understand
the fundamental physics in nanojunction and directed towards the design of new form of
electronics devices based on atom/molecule system.
In addition, we will extend our research to the transport properties of spin-polarized
electrons in nano scale junction. We propose to develop new theories and new codes in the
framework of density functional theory to study possible molecular spintronics devices.”
Molecular spintronics” is a brand new field and we expect that it is the way for us to stay in
the frontier researches. We plan to investigate the role of spin electrons played in the
molecular junction. For example, we plan to replace the metal eletrodes by ferromagnets and
study tunneling magnetoresistans (TMR). Due to the nature of tunneling and small size of
this system, spin is easy to preserve and large magnetoresitance can be anticipated. As a
result, molecular system may be a good candidate for spin field effect transistor (SFET). In
the long run, we will devote to probe the possibility of new form of spin electronic devices at
atomic/molecule scale based on our researches.
Gov't Doc #: NSC97-2112-M009-011-MY3
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/102354
Appears in Collections:Research Plans