標題: 流體界面問題之研究
Incompressible Flows with Interfaces
作者: 賴明治
Lai Ming-Chih
關鍵字: 不可壓縮流;流體界面;沈浸邊界法;曲面上之偏微分方程;界面/不規則區域藕合問題;非牛頓流體;水泡動態;三維乾型泡沫;Incompressible flow;Fluid interfaces;Immersed boundary method;PDEs on surfaces;Surface-bulk equations;Viscoelastic flow;Vesicle dynamics;3D dry foam simulation
公開日期: 2014
摘要: 流體界面問題旨在探討兩種不相混合流體(或者空氣與水)的界面問
(一) 二維及三維界面及不規則區域藕合之偏微分方程數值解及其應用至可
(二) 非牛頓流體之數值方法
(三) 黏性與內力對水泡動態之影響及三維問題之研究
(四) 三維乾型泡沫之模擬
The study of the incompressible flows with interfaces is of major interests
among applied mathematics community. It plays an important role in
numerous natural phenomena and industrial applications, especially, for the
hydrodynamics of micro-fluidic systems. For instance, the thin film flows in
coating devices, the dynamics of liquid drops in ink-jet printing, the wetting
phenomena on substrate, or even the hydrodynamics of water-walking insect,
just to name a few. Since the complexity of effects associated with capillarity
gains a more wide applications during the last century, the research effort spent
on this topic is overwhelming in applied mathematics community. These effort
brought in many remarkable successes in the understanding of the fundamental
physics and the quantitative modeling of capillary phenomena in different
problems. In this proposal, we shall focus our research topics on the different
issues of mathematical modeling and numerical methods for incompressible
flows with interfaces. In our previous NSC projects,
NSC-97-2628-M-009-007-MY3 and NSC-98-2115-M-009-014-MY3, we have
developed a series of numerical methods and applications for 2D interfacial
flows. Therefore, in this proposal, we are moving forward to viscoelastic
(non-Newtonian) flows and some 3D problems. In addition, we will also
continue investigating the interfacial flows with soluble surfactant in which a
coupled surface-bulk convection-diffusion equations must be solved. We will
need to develop an efficient and also conservative scheme for those equations.
In this proposal, we shall focus our research topics on the issues of
mathematical modeling and numerical methods for the interfacial flows with
interfaces. In particular, our research topics will concentrate on four different
directions; namely, (1) 2D and 3D numerical schemes for solving coupled
surface-bulk convection-diffusion equations with applications; (2) Numerical
methods for viscoelastic interfacial flows; (3) Viscosity and inertia effects on
vesicle dynamics and efficient algorithms for 3D vesicle problems; (4) 3D dry
foam simulations and von Neumann law.
官方說明文件#: NSC101-2115-M009-014-MY3
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/102417