Title: 量子動力學應用於駕駛人視覺流刺激與駕駛反應行為之研究
Quantum Mechanisms-Based Optic Flow Model to Reproduce the Dynamics of Driver Behavior
Authors: 許鉅秉
Issue Date: 2008
Abstract: 車流狀況瞬息萬變,致使駕駛者行為形成一既動態又複雜之刺激-反應之動態決策 過程。然過去車流理論多就「工程」觀點構建車流模式,僅止於適用描述形於外之車流 變化與型態,然多缺乏對駕駛者決策過程之完整描述與模式構建,簡言之,過去交通運 輸於車流理論部分,缺乏一駕駛者心理感知-直覺反應-決策行為之聯結橋樑。本三年 期之研究,主要將應用量子力學於視覺流刺激理論中,衍生一套完整之動態駕駛者視覺 刺激-反應之駕駛行為模式,用以解析並預測微觀車流行為,進而彌補過去車流理論部 分,對於駕駛者心理及感官刺激等因素對於駕駛行為之影響知識不足之部分。此研究應 視為「社會物理學」之先驅研究,主要乃因過去交通及物理領域均未見相關之量化解析 模式研究,為追求本系列研究之完整性與系統性,本研究第一年將先針對非事故車道上 駕駛人驅車接近事故時受前方視覺驟變進而產生之動態駕駛行為變化為主要研究對 象,搆建一以「量子力學為基礎」之駕駛者行為模式,並透過先進車流模擬器 Paramics 所構建之駕駛模擬平台進行初步之模式參數校估與驗證。第二年期研究重點將針對相關 之模擬駕駛進行實驗設計,並以某一實際路段進行真實資料蒐集與模式測試,並對以構 建之模式進行必要之修正與延展。第三年重點主要將所發展之「一般化模式」 (generalized model) 簡化為一「特殊模式」(specific model),並與既有傳統跟車模 式進行比校分析,並藉由模擬及實際測試,證明過去發展之跟車模式,或為「過度理性」 之駕駛行為模式,且忽略駕駛者感官刺激與心理因素之影響,致使傳統車流行為模式失 真。
A better understanding of the influencing psychological factors of drivers and the resulting driving maneuvers responding to dynamic traffic phenomena is vital to the improvement of road safety. This 3-year research project aims to propose a comprehensive microscopic driver behavior model to explicate the dynamics of the instantaneous driver decision process, where in the 1st year, the study scope centers on the development of a prototype of a quantum mechanics-based driver behavior model to reproduce the dynamics of drivers』 potential responses under lane-blocking incidents on adjacent lanes. The proposed conceptual framework decomposes the corresponding driver decision process into three sequential phases: (1) initial stimulus, (2) glancing-around car-following, and (3) incident-induced driving maneuvers. Therein, the theorem of quantum mechanics in optical flows is applied in the first phase to explain the motion-related perceptual phenomena while vehicles approaching the incident site from adjacent lanes, followed by the incorporation of the effect of quantum optical flows in modeling the induced glancing-around car-following behavior in the second phase. Then, an incident-induced driving behavior model is formulated to reproduce the dynamics of determining the driving maneuvers of drivers in the process of passing by an incident site through the adjacent lanes. Furthermore, a numerical study using simulation data yielded from Paramcis will be conducted, followed by the scenario design and model validation using real traffic data in the 2nd year, and the development of a specific quantum-based driver behavior model to link the gap between the areas of traditional car-following theory and driver psychology. It is also expected that such a proposed quantum-mechanics based methodology can throw more light into its application to driver psychology and response in anomalous traffic environments to improve road safety. Furthermore, the study can be regarded as a frontier research of social physics providing in-depth understanding and applications of applied physics in social science.
Gov't Doc #: NSC96-2416-H009-011-MY3
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/102498
Appears in Collections:Research Plans