標題: 創新異質整合智慧型手機相機模組之研究---子計畫一:微機電防手振平台之設計、製作與測試(I)
The Design, Fabrication and Test of MEMS Image Stabilizer(I)
作者: 邱俊誠
關鍵字: 微機電技術;微致動器;高精度防手振平台;解耦雙軸致動器;MEMS;Micro actuator;High precision image stabilizer;decouple dual actuators
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 本計畫為整合型計畫中之子計畫一“微機電防手振平台之設計、製作與測試",主要負責使用 微機電技術製作一種小尺寸、高精度與低功率消耗之影像防手振平台,本計畫共分三年執行,將完 成解耦雙軸致動器的設計與製作,並整合慣性感測器、影像感測器,以達成影像防手振平台的構想, 未來三年執行摘要如下所述: 第一年計畫摘要: 第一年主要會完成兩項工作,第一項是估算各種致動器的出力與位移,並在考慮彈性樑解耦合 的效果後選擇最適用之致動器,第二項是完成微機電元件的設計與光罩佈局,這部分將利用模擬軟 體模擬所設計之結構,藉以驗證此設計之可行性。 第二年計畫摘要: 第二年的計畫重點為解耦雙軸致動器的製作,為了達到高精度、高效能與高良率的目標,此年 將測試出最佳的製程方法與製程參數來製作所設計的結構;製作完成後,使用覆晶封裝技術組裝影 像感測器與解耦雙軸致動器;另一方面,我們也將設計符合此系統之印刷電路板以承載解耦雙軸致 動器與其他子計畫所開發之元件。 第三年計畫摘要: 第三年的工作主要為設計控制器與系統整合,在完成控制器設計後,便可開始整合控制器、解耦 雙軸致動器、影像感測器、慣性感測器與驅動電路,以完成微機電影像防手振平台,最後進行系統量 測與特性分析,驗證此影像防手振系統之效能。
The first sub-project entitled “The design, fabrication and test of MEMS image stabilizer” of the integrated project plays the role of designing and fabricating and testing image stabilizer with small form, high precision and low power consumption. The main target in this project is achieving image stabilizer by integrating decouple dual actuator, sensors and other components. This project will be carried out in the next three years, and abstracts are given as follows. Abstract of 1st year project: There are two targets need to be accomplished in the 1st year consists of selecting the suitable actuator by comparing driving displacement and decoupling and then designing MEMS components and verifying the layout by using simulation tools. Abstract of 2nd year project: Fabricating a high precision and large displacement decouple dual actuator is the main target in 2nd year, in order to achieve the targets, fabricating recipes will be tuned to optimization. Image sensor and decouple dual actuator will be integrated by using flip-chip technology. Furthermore, PCB will be used to integrate the developed decouple dual actuator with components from other sub-projects. Abstract of 3rd year project: The main targets in the 3rd year are designing the controller and integrating with other components in a system. After accomplishing controller, the MEMS image stabilizer will be achieved by integrating controller, decouple dual actuator, image sensor, driving circuit and inertia sensor. Finally, the characteristics of system will be measured and analyzed to verify the efficacy of the image stabilizer.
官方說明文件#: NSC97-2220-E009-044
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/102551