標題: 可撓性上入射型有機太陽能電池
Flexible Top-Illuminated Organic Photovoltaic Devices
作者: 陳方中
Chen Fang-Chung
關鍵字: 高分子;太陽能電池;元件結構;金屬氧化物;polymer;solar cells;device structure;metal oxides
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 「可撓性上入射型有機太陽能電池」將發展具有上層透明電極之高分子太陽能電 池,將可製作於不透光之可撓性基板上,例如不銹鋼基板上等。首先將使用金屬氧化 物降低接面電阻以提升元件能量轉換效率,之後也將製作傳統與倒置型的元件件結 構,最後,將發展高反射率雙層金屬電極用以提升光件內光的反射性而增加太陽光之 吸收,預計成功執行本計劃後,將可提升上入射型有機太陽能電池之效率。
The 「flexible top-illuminated organic photovoltaic devices」 research project will develop polymer solar cells with transparent top electrodes, which sunlight can easily transport through, on opaque flexible substrates, such as stainless steel ones. Firstly, metal oxide buffer layers will be used to reduce the contact resistance of the devices and to improve the power conversion efficiency (PCE). Secondly, both conventional and inverted structures will be fabricated to optimize the device structure with the highest PCE. Finally, bi-layer metals with high reflectivity will be developed to enhance the light reflection in the device to increase the light absorption. The efficiency of the top-illumined polymer solar cells is anticipated to be improved after the success of this project.
官方說明文件#: NSC97-ET-7009-004-ET
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/102601