標題: 合成氣與燃油共燒之微渦輪發電系統之性能實驗分析與控制系統設計
Experimental Analyses of Engine Performance and the Design of Control System on Micro Gas Turbine Engine Using the Mixture of Syn-Gas and Liquid Fuel
作者: 陳俊勳
關鍵字: 低熱值燃料;合成氣;微型氣渦輪引擎;實驗性能分析;Low-heating value fuel;Mixture of heavy-oil and synthesis-gas;micro gasturbine engine;experimental analysis of engine performance
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 因應二氧化碳減量與石油匱乏問題,並如何利用台灣蘊藏之再生能源及適時發展新 能源是目前能源發展之政策。本計畫是一延續性計畫,在上一年度(95.12~96.12),以 低熱值之合成氣與燃油預混做為燃料,以一已開發完成的燃油氣渦輪引擎作為數值模擬 的對象,將所獲得的成果,應用在本年度實驗計畫,根據其預測將以燃油為燃料的燃燒 室重新改裝成為適合低熱值氣體燃料之微渦輪引擎燃燒系統,然後再根據此燃燒動力系 統之性能來進行後段發電系統的設計與建立。本年度研究主要內容包括此微渦輪引擎的 可行性評估、燃燒室設計、零組件測試以及引擎運轉。最後提出合成氣與燃油混合共燒 渦輪引擎的操作程序與規範,以作為未來整合分散式發電系統的依據,使能源作更有效 的利用。
The utilization of renewable energy and development of new energy sources are the present governmental energy policy to encounter the more and more stringent shortage of fossil fuels and environmental regulations for carbon dioxide reduction in the new century. This proposal is an extensional one. In the last awarded project, it has completely the simulation and evaluation of a combustor of a micro-turbine by using the low-heating value synthesis gas to mix with the heavy oil as the fuel. This proposal, according to the predicted results of the last project, intends to analyze the engine performance of the micro gas turbine engine experimentally when such low-heating value fuel is applied. The combustion chamber of a micro gas turbine will be re-designed by modifying the burner from a liquid-fuel burning system into a gas burning one to generate the combustion power. Then, the corresponding sensors and actuators for the micro gas turbine system will also be established. The measurement data which indicate the engine performance will be analysis and evaluate for the extending generator system. As the design procedure of engine is finished, the fabrication, component tests, and operation of the developed gas turbine engine system are then performed for parametric analysis to establish the start-up and operation procedure. The aforementioned design procedure can be used as a model in the future design of micro gas turbine engine for power generation.
官方說明文件#: NSC97-2623-7009-006-ET
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/102644
顯示於類別:Research Plans