標題: 銷售人員幫助行為及其前因與後果的探討
Going above and Beyond---Exploring and Understanding Salespeople's Helping Behavior (SHB)
作者: 張家齊
chang chia-chi
關鍵字: 銷售人員;幫助行為;Salespeople;Helping Behavior
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 越來越多的文獻指出,當銷售人員能夠為顧客做最多的努力的時候,銷售人員的表現會是最亮眼的(Brooks 2002),更有人認為能夠為顧客多做一點,是明星銷售員一定該具備的特質 (Farber 2006)。然而,直到目前為止,並沒有這方面的研究,絕大多數這方面的文獻,都停留在探討當銷售人員幫助另一個銷售人員時,對組織會又什麼樣的影響(Brief and Motowidlo 1986; Cropanzano and Greenberg 1997; George 1998; George 1991; George 1992; Konovsky and Cropanzano 1991),所以,本計畫擬找出到底銷售人員對顧客的幫助行為 (Salespeople』s Helping Behavior directed at Customers) 可以被分成哪些類型(Typology,第一年),是送禮嗎? 是訊息互享嗎? 還是提供專業以外的諮詢? 在第二年的計畫中我將訂定出銷售人員幫助行為的量表以及檢查其信效度。最後,我將調查銷售人員對顧客的幫助行為 (SHB) 對顧客滿意度及銷售人員的業績表現,有怎樣的影響,還有,究竟是哪些因素造成某些銷售人員會較其他銷售人員作更多幫助顧客的行為(第三年)。
Prior literature has maintained that salespeople who are willing to go out of their way to lend customers a helping hand are more likely to succeed (Brooks 2002). Some, even believe that it is the star quality that a successful salesperson must have (Farber 2006). However, most of previous studies focus on how discretionary helping behavior directed at other salespeople can affect the bottomline of organizations (Brief and Motowidlo 1986; Cropanzano and Greenberg 1997; George 1998; George 1991; George 1992; Konovsky and Cropanzano 1991). Research investigating the effect of salespeople』s helping behavior directed at customers is scant. Therefore, in this project, I plan to identify the specific behavior elements that define salespeople』s helping behavior (Year 1). Is it reciprocal gift giving? Or is it information sharing? Or maybe, is it the advice outside of their professional area? The ultimate goal is to create a typology for salespeople』s helping behavior (SHB). In the second year project (Year 2), I plan to find out the scale which can be used to measure salespeople』s helping behavior and examine its internal consistency and validity. At last, I would like to examine the antecedents and consequences of salespeople』s helping behavior (SHB) directed at customers. Particularly, I will manage to find out how SHB influences salespeople』s performance and customer satisfaction.
官方說明文件#: NSC96-2416-H009-005-MY3
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/102662
Appears in Collections:Research Plans