Title: 以矽化物及碳為射極之高性能真空微電子關鍵製程與元件技術之研究
Study on the Key Technologies and Device Structures for the High-Performance Vacuum Microelectronics with the Silicides and Carbon as the Emitters
Authors: 鄭晃忠
Issue Date: 2008
Abstract: 近年來隨著半導體製程技術的進步以及奈米材料的研發,真空微電子元件之製程與技術已經開始引起廣泛的興趣與研究,雖然現今以固態元件為主的各項技術具有許多優勢,如:小尺寸、可積體化、功率耗損小…等等,但因於本身的電子遷移率較低的緣故,使得其元件的操作速度受限;再加上固態元件介面的耐壓並不高,使得元件能提供之功率受限,所以在有高頻或高功率之需求時,我們必須使用體積大而無法與現今CMOS製程整合之真空管元件。因此,我們希望能藉由半導體製程研發出體積小而又有機會與一般元件製程整合之真空微電子元件,並研發適用之矽化物與奈米碳材做為場發射源,以提高元件之場發射效率。在本計畫中我們將陸續研發二極式以及三極式之真空微電子元件,並提升其電特性與可靠度以符合操作之需求,並與其他子計畫整合,嘗試將真空微電子元件與簡單之固態元件整合於同一基板上並以真空密封測試。本計畫研發之真空微電子元件將以高頻率、高功率、高線性度、可真空密封性以及可積體化做為目標,以提升國內對於真空微電子元件之研究。
Due to the development of semiconductor processes and the investigations of nano-scale materials, the technologies and device structures of vacuum microelectronics attracted attentions from many research fields. Although the solid-state devices have many advantages, such as small size, itegratable, and small power consumption, etc., they were limited in the operating speed resulting from the limited electron mobility and limited in output power resulting from the limited breakdown voltage in the junctions in the solid-state devices. If high operating frequency and high output power were required, a vacuum tube with large volume can not be avoided. Therefore, small vacuum microelectronics devices with the ability to integrate with standard semiconductor processes were desired. In this project, vacuum microelectronics devices will be fabricated in semiconductor processes with silicide and carbon materials. Diode- and triode-devices will be realized continuously and the emission characteristics and reliability will also be modified to meet the requirements of good vacuum microelectronics. Finally, the vacuum microelectronics will be integrated with simple solid-state devices on the same substrate. It will be sealed in ultra-high vacuum and tested for the purposes of high frequency, high power, high linearity, ability of vacuum seal, and ability of integrate. Through this project, we hope the researches of vacuum microelectronics in Taiwan can be improved.
Gov't Doc #: NSC96-2628-E009-169-MY3
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/102679
Appears in Collections:Research Plans