標題: 選擇性注意力研究取向---人如何處理多資訊成分的訊息
A Selective Attention Approach--- Processing Complex Information
作者: 陶振超
Tao Chen-Chao
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 人如何處理包含多個資訊成分的訊息,如網頁上包含內容與廣告等不同成分,是 目前傳播領域的關鍵議題之一。本研究計畫結合認知取向與傳播研究,提出「選擇性注 意力模式」,嘗試解釋與預測多資訊成分的處理過程。本研究計畫特別著重在知覺負荷 量(perceptual load)與搜尋模式(search mode)兩個概念,以瞭解在多資訊成分的環境 中,訊息的特徵如何與注意力互動,影響了目標資訊(targets)與干擾資訊(distractors) 的處理程度。本研究以雅虎新聞與Googl 搜尋作為刺激物,測試選擇性注意力模式之可 行性。
How people process multiple information components on a single message is one of the key issues in the field of communication. For example, Web pages are a typical example of messages with multiple information components. A Web page usually includes content and ads competing users’ attention. This research projects combine cognitive approaches and communication research and propose a “selective attention model” attempting to explain and predict the processing of multiple information components. Particularly, perceptual load and search mode and the interaction between them are the focus of this research project. Perceptual load has been found to be a strong predictor of distractor processing but is criticized by ignoring human voluntary control of attention. On the other hand, search mode has been found as a successful concept explaining how the voluntary control of attention affects the processing of distracters. This project takes YahooITaiwan and Google as examples to evaluate the robustness of the selective attention model.
官方說明文件#: NSC97-2628-H009-001
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/102692


  1. 972628H009001.PDF

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