Title: | 複合材料風力機之研製---總計畫 The Development of Small Composite Materials Wind Power System |
Authors: | 金大仁 KAM TAI-YAN 國立交通大學機械工程學系(所) |
Keywords: | 風力發電;風能;複合材料;葉片;系統工程;耐久試驗;Wind power;wind energy;composite materials;wind blade;system engineering;endurance testing |
Issue Date: | 2008 |
Abstract: | 本計畫將藉兩年時間整合三個子計畫以研發一具實用及經濟價值的小型複合材料 風力發電機。 各計畫之名稱、負責人及目的說明如下: 1.總計畫──「複合材料風力機之研製」 主持人:金大仁,協同主持人:林炎增 目的:控管及協調各子計畫,整合各子計畫之成果並組裝一具實用性及經濟價值的 風力機供系統試驗及評估用。 2.子計畫一──「風力機系統設計與保固之研究」 主持人:蘇盛竹 目的:研發一套分析設計風力機系統的方法以提昇風力機的發電效率,並開發一套 監控風力機系統完整性的健康診斷系統,以確保風力機運作正常。研究結果 供子計畫二作為研製關鍵零組件之用及子計畫三作試驗時施加負荷之準則。 3.子計畫二──「風力機關鍵零組件之研製」 主持人:張瑞榮,共同主持人:吳家宏 目的:藉理論分析及實作以取得設計及製作風力機關鍵零組件的技術,並建立一套 應用複合材料修補這些零組件的方法與程序。研究結果供總計畫組裝風力機 之用,組成之風力機可進行可靠度試驗。 4.子計畫三──「風力機試驗平台與可靠度試驗程序之建立」 主持人:金大仁,共同主持人:賴.民、曾育鍾 目的:開發風力機試驗所需的設備及夾治具,建立風力機可靠度試驗的作業程序。 利用所建立的試驗平台測試所研製之風力機,並評估其可靠性。研究結果可 回饋給子計畫一和二作為改善系統及零組件之設計用。 本總計畫各年之主要工作及研究內容為: 1.第一年 控管各子計畫之進度,協調各子計畫使彼此能互相支援及交流成果。進行風力機 成本分析,使風力機儘量達到成本低可靠性高的目的。協助各子計畫選用及採購合適 的材料及元件以提升風力機的競爭力。設計風力機中的轉接頭,塔架及基礎。 2.第二年 控管各子計畫之進度及支援各計畫的需求。組裝風力機及進行各種環境下之試 驗,試驗數據分析,失效模態分析,可靠性評估,提出改善對策,進行可靠度成長試 驗及驗收成果。 This project will integrate 3 sub-projects to develop a small composite materials wind power system that has practical and economic values. The titles and goals of the main project and sub-projects are given as follows: 1. Main project Title: The development of small composite materials wind power system Goal: Monitor the works and progresses of the sub-projects. Work together with the sub-projects and integrate their contributions to develop a small composite materials wind power system. 2. Sub-project I Title: Wind turbine system design and health maintenance study Goal: Develop a method for analyzing the flow pattern around a wind power system. Determine loading conditions for designing critical parts of the system. Obtain the technology for monitoring the fluid-structure interactions and structural integrity of the system. 3. Sub-project II Title: Fabrication technique of wind turbine critical parts Goal: Obtain the technology for designing the critical parts of a wind power system in accordance with existing standards. Obtain the technologies for fabricating and repairing the critical parts of the system. 4. Sub-project III Title: The development of testing procedures for quality assurance of wind power system Goal: Develop the testing procedures and equipments for testing a wind power system to achieve the required quality and reliability of the system. The main tasks of the main project in different years are as follows. 1. First year Monitor the progresses of the sub-projects. Support the sub-projects by providing information such as materials and parts selections to them. Perform cost analysis for the wind power system to achieve the goal of low cost and high reliability. Design hub, joints and supporting frame for the wind power system. Perform reliability assessment of the hub, joints and supporting frame. 2. Second year Assemble the wind power system for testing. Perform data analysis, failure mode analysis, and reliability assessment of the system. Propose improvement procedures to modify the design of the parts. Conduct reliability growth testing to assure high quality and reliability of the system. |
Gov't Doc #: | NSC97-ET-7009-005-ET |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/102795 https://www.grb.gov.tw/search/planDetail?id=1617195&docId=276479 |
Appears in Collections: | Research Plans |