標題: 創新異質整合智慧型手機相機模組之研究---子計畫三:成像品質之數位影像演算法開發(I)
The Research and Applications of the Image Quality Improvement Algorithms for LC Lens(I)
作者: 黃聖傑
Huang Sheng-Chieh
關鍵字: 液態鏡頭;成像品質修正演算法;望診;情緒評估;人工水晶體晶片;LC Lens;Image Quality Improvement Algorithms;Face Diagnosis based onTCM;Emotion Evaluation;Intraocular Lens SOC
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 本研究計畫為” 創新異質整合智慧型手機相機模組 ”之子計畫三: “ 成像品質之 數位影像演算法開發 ”。 首先藉由對於液態鏡頭成像色差色散問題之解析,同時進一步深入徹底了解人類視 覺特性 (Human Visual System),開發以人類視覺系統為主之液態鏡頭專用成像程序 (HVS-based LC Image Pipeline),藉以逼近視覺感官極真實感受。 接著建構最新 HD Photo 影像壓縮標準 JPEG XR 晶片模組,如此方能將影像做最有 效率品質最好的壓縮儲存,同時於影像壓縮處理過程中,還可以進一步調整影像品質。 掌握以人類視覺系統為主之液態鏡頭專用成像程序,加上最新 HD Photo 影像壓縮 標準 JPEG XR 晶片模組,將其整合於智慧型手機相機系統晶片中,接下來就可以進一步 擴充其附加價值與未來應用,尤其是透過中國傳統醫學經驗中的望診,掌握身體狀況及情 緒分析。 另一方面來說,人口老化比例指數成長。隨著製程技術的進步,相信將可替代現有 之人工水晶體,在創新生醫產業與技術上面,開發新一代人工水晶體晶片,可為未來眼科 醫學治療開啟另一扇新天地。亦可與目前之視網膜晶片相結合,創造人工電子眼,相信這 將是無限可能的未來。
This plan is the third part of the “Novel Heterogeneous Integrated Compact Camera Module “. Since the color of the image distorted when it passes through the lens, the key idea of the image algorithm is based on the human visual system and is to improve the image quality of the LC lens. In addition, the dedicated LC Image Pipeline will be further developed for the LC lens. Since the digital image size is so large, the latest HD Photo image compression JPEG XR standard is used to be built the efficient compression engine for the high dynamic range 1920 x 1080 30 frames/sec. Therefore, the dedicated LC image pipeline and the JPEG XR Codec engine can be combined into the SOC engine for improving the image quality of the novel heterogeneous integrated compact camera module. For higher profit applications, this image improvement engine can be used to the Traditional Chinese Medicine’s (TCM) face diagnosis and emotion evaluation. We live in a world that the number of elderly people is increasing faster than ever before. The eyes of elderly people often need to be replaced the intraocular lens to recover the sight. Hence, the intraocular lens SOC will be used to get better sight with the improvement of the process technology.
官方說明文件#: NSC97-2220-E009-028
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/102851