標題: 智慧型仿生系統之晶片系統平台技術開發---子計畫二:生醫元件專用之可程式混合式電路與醫用頻段之射頻電路設計(I)
Development of Programmable Mixed-Signal Integrated Circuits for Biomedical Devices and Radio-Frequency Integrated Circuits in Medical Telemetry Radio Bands
作者: 吳重雨
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 本計畫的目的在於結合國內電子電機、微機電設計等方面已具有優勢的學、業界做跨領域的整合,發展出可用於治療之生醫元件技術平台。於本子計畫中,將設計平台中混合式與射頻電路之設計,提供神經刺激信號產生、神經信號放大、濾波與射頻傳收等功能。計畫將劃分為兩大部分: 生醫元件專用之可程式混合式電路與醫用頻段之射頻電路。第一部分負責設計可調變之神經/生理信號感測器電路與神經寫入信號產生器電路,設計均採可程式化調變架構以適應不同個體之要求。由於美國國家通訊委員會(FCC)已規劃醫用元件可使用之無線頻段,故本計畫於第二部分將設計此頻段可使用之射頻電路,並發展無線電力供應元件。最後將與其他子計畫整合為系統單晶片,並進行動物實驗以驗證其可靠度與安全性,以利作為日後申請人體實驗之依據。
A generic biomimetic system for biomedical devices is proposed in this project. Some platform technologies in the fields of MEMS, IC design, packaging are defined to support this intelligent system. In this sub-project, the mixed-signal and radio-frequency circuits in the platform will be designed and tested. There are two main parts in this project. The first one is programmable mixed-signal integrated circuits for biomedical devices. Configurable amplifier, filter, analog-to-digital converter, and digital-to-analog converter are included in this part. The second part is radio-frequency integrated circuits in medical telemetry radio bands. Radio-frequency circuits and wireless power telemetry in medical radio bands issued by FCC will be developed in this part. Eventually the accomplished circuits will be integrated with modules developed by other sub-projects to form a SOC system. This SOC will then be used in the animal test to verify its efficacy, biocompatibility, robustness, and safety.
官方說明文件#: NSC97-2220-E009-045
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/102875