標題: 數位遊戲特質與環境對學習歷程影響的整合研究-總計畫---數位遊戲特質與環境對學習歷程影響的整合研究
An Integrated Study on Digital Game Characteristics and Gaming Environments and Their Impacts on Learning Processes
作者: 孫春在
關鍵字: 數位遊戲;學習歷程;遊戲玩家;心流;情緒;個人動機;團體動機;心智模式;學習合作;遊戲學習系統;遊戲歷程檔案;遊戲性;遊戲社群;玩家參與遊戲設計;digital games;learning process;game player;flow;emotion;individual motivation;group motivation;mental model;learning about cooperation;game-based learning system;gaming portfolio;gameness;player community;player participating in design
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 我們將遊戲視為一個主動學習的過程,學習主題是「如何進入遊戲世界?」我們不但要探討玩家從遊戲經驗中學到了什麼,更要瞭解他們是如何學到這些概念或技能。本研究群綜合國內外遊戲研究與遊戲學習之理論與經驗,提出對於「玩遊戲」的四個分析層面,由玩家端到遊戲端,可區分為「玩興」、「遊戲進行」、「遊戲設計」、「遊戲性」等四個層面,作為主要的分析架構,它們分別具有不同但重要的學習意義。 我們一方面由教育心理學的觀點,對遊戲中的玩家認知與情意進行探討,並需兼顧個人及團體性質的遊戲動機;另一方面,我們也由數位遊戲科技的角度切入,對遊戲特性所帶來的新元素有所掌握。同時,當玩家與遊戲相遇,開始進行遊戲或介入遊戲設計之時,其中的動態更蘊藏了非常豐富的學習線索,需要我們藉助各種學習理論與學習科技來分析瞭解,以掌握數位遊戲中學習過程的全貌,進而提供遊戲式學習設計與評量的重要參考。 本整合計畫的六個子計畫內容將兼顧遊戲與學習的心理與社會、個人與團體、理論與技術、使用與設計面向,在各方面相互支援,以收相輔相成之效。同時,各子計畫的研究主題將有部分重疊,以收呼應驗證之效,並在研究對象與實驗設計時充分合作。最後,我們將在各年度查核點上將研究成果串連起來,達到整合的目標。
We regard digital game playing as an active learning process, and the learning target is 「how to enter the game world?」 We will investigate not only what the players learn from their gaming experience, but also how they acquire such concepts or skills. Based on our study on theories and practice in both game research and game-based learning, we propose a four-level analytical framework for game playing or gaming. From the player end to the game end, the four levels are playfulness of the player, game play, game design, and gameness. They all imply very important but different meaning and applications in learning. We will take educational psychological perspectives, on the one hand, to investigate the player』s cognition and affection in gaming situation, and take both individual and group gaming motivation into account. One the other hand, we will approach the proposed research questions from the angle of digital gaming technology so as to have a complete comprehension of the new elements brought by digital game characteristics. In the mean time, when the players meet the games and start playing or participating in game design, there are abundant implicit clues for learning in the gaming dynamics. Therefore, we will employ varied learning theories and learning technologies to analyze the gaming phenomena and behaviors so that a complete picture about learning in game playing can be achieved. Based on our findings, we will provide information and suggestions for game-based learning and its assessment. The six projects in this integrated project will cover both psychological and social perspectives, take both individual and community aspects into account, adopt both theoretical and technical approaches, and study both usage and design factors in games. We will communicate frequently and support each other during execution so that each project will benefit from others』 experiments and results. The research topics set by individual projects will have partial overlapping so as to fully cover essential research topics from different perspectives. We will share research subjects and experimental design to effectively and efficiently utilize resources. Finally, we will provide a strong linkage between our findings and analyses at the annual checkpoints so as to achieve the goals of integrated research.
官方說明文件#: NSC96-2520-S009-004-MY3
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/102896
Appears in Collections:Research Plans