標題: 我國科學教育長期追蹤調查研究---電腦施測之分析與規劃
The Study of Long Term Trace of Domestic Science Education---The Design and Analysis of Computerized Testing
作者: 曾憲雄
關鍵字: 科學教育;電腦施測;QTI;評量指標;題庫系統;科學素養;計畫管理;Science Education;Computerized Testing;Question & Test Interoperability (QTI);Evaluation Indicator;Item Bank;Scientific Literacy;Project Management.
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 為了針對我國科學教育之學生成效進行調查,以分析我國學生之各項科教學習能力成果,建立我國科學教育長期追蹤之本土基本資料,進而作為科教學習之相關政策、課程規劃、與研究分析之用,且為了能讓調查的進行與結果之分析更為有效率,因此,在科教調查之規劃上,將採用電腦化施測模式,來進行線上施測與結果分析,進而建立我國科學教育長期追蹤資料庫,因此,為了完成此長期追蹤之電腦施測發展模式與架構,故本計劃在此先期規劃研究中,須先針對科教電腦施測模式中之施測需求、題型架構、與施測模式做規劃,其包含針對科教施測科目與相對應之科教能力來定義評量指標,規劃適當可供電腦化施測之試題題型、標準化描述機制與其顯示架構、規劃試題編輯工具與系統之需求規範、以及題庫系統之功能需求與規範。此外,為了暸解我國國民對科學與技術之瞭解、興趣、與關切度之程度,故本計畫亦將協助大眾科學素養調查計劃,針對其在進行大眾科學素養調查時,所需之資料架構進行分析與規劃,以及相關調查系統之協助分析、規劃與建置。且為了能讓此科教規劃計劃能有效進行與管理計畫文件資源,本計劃亦將發展科教調查計畫管理系統,以協助調查計劃之執行與規劃使用。 故本計劃在調查規劃計劃之先期規劃階段所規劃之工作規劃項目將包含如下: 1. 科教概念知識結構之分析與規劃: 分析與歸納專家學者所定義之科教科目(數理、生物、化學、物理與地球科學)的學習概念與評量指標架構,以規畫與建構科教科目之本體知識架構以及試題與資源之詮釋資料(Metadata)標準。 2. 科教領域電腦施測題型之分析與規劃: 分析與瞭解科教學科之評量調查的實際需求與學習成就的概念定義,以規劃可有效測驗出學生學習概念與能力的多媒體試題題型以及其相對之QTI試題描述格式。 3. 電腦施測系統架構之分析與規劃: 分析試題題型與格式,規劃適合之試題編輯工具架構與規範以及。符合電腦施測需求之題庫系統功能與架構規範。 4. 大眾科學素養調查計劃之資料架構規劃與系統建置:分析與規劃進行大眾科學素養調查時所需之資料架構以及協助規劃與建置相關調查系統。 5. 科教調查計劃管理系統之規劃與建置:分析科教調查計畫之規畫架構與模式,定義其計畫進行需求,以研發協助調查計畫進行之計畫管理系統架構。
In order to investigate and analyze students』 learning achievement in Science Education domain, the Science Education Investigation will make use of the computerized testing mode to perform the online testing and result analysis, whereby the domestic science education database can be established for long term trace. Then, the policy definitions, course designs, and research analyses in Science Education can be done in accordance with the investigation analysis. Therefore, in order to define the framework of computerized testing for long term trace, this project will define and design the evaluation indicators according to science education subjects and their corresponding capabilities, the appropriate item types with standardized format and display scheme, and the specifications of item authoring tool and item bank system. Furthermore, in order to understand the degree of understanding, interesting, and concerning of national's understanding about Science and Technology, this project will also support the Public Scientific Literacy Investigation Project to analyze, design, and implement the required data structures and related investigation systems. Moreover, we will develop the Project Management System to provide an efficient documents management of Science Education Investigation Project. Therefore, in the planning stage of Science Education Investigation Project, this project』s working items are as follows: 1. Analysis and Design of the Knowledge Structure of Science Education Concepts: analyzes and defines the learning concepts and evaluation indicators of Science Education subjects, including Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Earth/Space science, to facilitate the design and construction of the Science Education Ontology and Metadata describing the items and resources. 2. Analysis and Design of the Computerized Testing Item Types of Science Education Subjects: acquires and analyzes the real requirements of evaluation and concept definition of learning achievement to further define the multimedia testing item types associated with QTI formats, each of which can efficiently test out the learning concepts and capabilities of students. 3. Analysis and Design of the Computerized Testing System: analyzes the item types and formats to facilitate the further design of the framework and specification of appropriate item authoring tool and item bank system. 4. Design and Implementation of the Data Structure and Systems for the Public Scientific Literacy Investigation Project: analyzes and designs the required data structures and related investigation systems in support of the project execution. 5. Design and Implementation of Science Education Investigation Project Management System: designs and implements the framework of Science Education Investigation Project and defines its execution requirements to facilitate the further development of the project management system in support of its execution.
官方說明文件#: NSC96-2522-S009-002
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/103095
Appears in Collections:Research Plans

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