標題: Printed filtering antenna
作者: Chung Shyh-Jong
Chuang Chao-Tang
公開日期: 4-三月-2014
摘要: A printed filtering antenna is provided. This filtering antenna comprises an antenna part and a coupled line resonator. The antenna part is directly connected to a coupled line resonator and occupies an antenna area. The coupled line resonator provides a filtering mechanism together with the antenna part. The coupled line resonator comprises a short-circuited stub and an open-circuited stub. The short-circuited stub comprises an open-circuited end and a short-circuited end connected to ground. The open-circuited stub is parallel to the short-circuited stub. The open-circuited stub comprises a first end and a second end. The first end is connected to the feed point and is corresponding to the open-circuited end of the short-circuited stub such that the open-circuited stub is coupled to the short-circuited stub.
官方說明文件#: H01Q001/38
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/104405
專利國: USA
專利號碼: 08665158


  1. 08665158.pdf

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