標題: High-side driver circuit
作者: Chen Tsung-Lin
Chang Edward Yi
Chieng Wei-Hua
Cheng Stone
Jeng Shyr-Long
Chang Che-Wei
公開日期: 12-十一月-2013
摘要: The present invention provides a high-side driver circuit including a power transistor, the first transistor, the second transistor, the second capacitor, the second diode, a start-up circuit. The start-up circuit is coupled between a resistor and the second capacitor to complete a gate driving circuit. And, the aforementioned resistor can either be the gate resistance of the power transistor or an external resistor. The design of start-up circuit enables the functionality of the bootstrap capacitor of being charged to a designate voltage level. Thus, the depletion-mode transistor can be controlled to turn on/off without a floating voltage source or a negative voltage source.
官方說明文件#: H03B001/00
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/104424
專利國: USA
專利號碼: 08581638


  1. 08581638.pdf

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