標題: Power-efficient backbone-oriented wireless sensor network, method for constructing the same and method for repairing the same
作者: Huang Kuei-Li
Wu Chao-Nan
Wang Jui-Tang
Tseng Chien-Chao
公開日期: 23-四月-2013
摘要: The present invention discloses a power-efficient backbone-oriented wireless sensor network, a method for constructing the same and a method for repairing the same, wherein energy-rich nodes are used to form backbones linking to a server, and wherein regular nodes having limited energy storage link to the backbones. When one energy-rich node malfunctions, the energy-rich node, which is posterior to the malfunctioning energy-rich node, searches for and links to a linkable neighboring energy-rich node on the backbone. If there is none linkable neighboring energy-rich node, the regular nodes are used to form a temporary tunnel until the malfunctioning energy-rich node has been repaired. The present invention can relieve the influence of hot spots, increase the robustness of the wireless sensor network, and prolong the service life of the wireless sensor network.
官方說明文件#: G08C017/00
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/104485
專利國: USA
專利號碼: 08427992


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