標題: Method for fabricating a GaN-based thin film transistor
作者: Chang Yi
Chang Chia-Hua
Lin Yueh-Chin
公開日期: 16-四月-2013
摘要: A method for fabricating a GaN-based thin film transistor includes: forming a semiconductor epitaxial layer on a substrate, the semiconductor epitaxial layer having a n-type GaN-based semiconductor material; forming an insulating layer on the semiconductor epitaxial layer; forming an ion implanting mask on the insulating layer, the ion implanting mask having an opening to partially expose the insulating layer; ion-implanting a p-type impurity through the opening and the insulating layer to form a p-doped region in the n-type GaN-based semiconductor material, followed by removing the insulating layer and the ion implanting mask; forming a dielectric layer on the semiconductor epitaxial layer; partially removing the dielectric layer; forming source and drain electrodes; and forming a gate electrode.
官方說明文件#: H01L021/00
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/104491
專利國: USA
專利號碼: 08420421


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