標題: Liquid crystal lens structure and method of driving same
作者: Lin Yi-Hsin
Lin Hung-Chun
公開日期: 11-十二月-2012
摘要: A liquid crystal (LC) lens structure and a method of driving same are disclosed. The LC lens structure includes an upper substrate, a lower substrate, a liquid crystal and polymer composite film, and an LC layer. The upper substrate is provided with a first conducive layer and a first alignment layer; and the lower substrate is provided with a second conductive layer and a second alignment layer. The liquid crystal and polymer composite film is arranged at one side of the first alignment layer to form a first lens, and the LC layer is arranged between the liquid crystal and polymer composite film and the second alignment layer to form a second lens. By building the liquid crystal and polymer composite film in the LC lens structure, it is able to realize an LC lens with low operating voltage and large focusing range.
官方說明文件#: G02F001/13
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/104527
專利國: USA
專利號碼: 08330933


  1. 08330933.pdf

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