標題: Symbol time synchronization method for OFDM systems
作者: Chin Wen-Long
Chen Sau-Gee
公開日期: 10-七月-2012
摘要: A symbol time synchronization method for OFDM systems is disclosed. The invention presents a joint maximum-likelihood (ML) synchronization method for symbol time offset (STO) in OFDM systems. The method is developed in frequency domain under time-variant multipath channels. By analyzing the received frequency-domain data, a mathematical model for the joint effects of symbol time offset (STO), carrier frequency offset (CFO) and sampling clock frequency offset (SCFO) is derived. The results are used to formulate a log-likelihood function of two consecutive symbols. The joint estimation's method is robust, because it exhibits high performances in high mobility and time-variant multipath fading channels.
官方說明文件#: H04L005/12
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/104567
專利國: USA
專利號碼: 08218665


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