標題: System and method thereof for dynamically adjusting sleep/awake intervals of wireless network device
作者: Lin Chia-Yen
Chao Hsi-Lu
Tsai Tzu-Jane
公開日期: 27-Mar-2012
摘要: A system and a method thereof for dynamically adjusting sleep/awake intervals of a wireless network device are provided. The system has at least one base station (BS) and at least one wireless network device. The system performs the method to dynamically adjust the sleep/awake intervals by properly delaying and combining delivery of data such that the wireless network device is turned into a sleep mode after finishing data delivery within an adjusted period. Thereby, the number of awake frames of a mobile subscriber station (MSS) can be reduced without sacrificing the quality of service (QoS).
官方說明文件#: G08C017/00
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/104595
專利國: USA
專利號碼: 08144638
Appears in Collections:Patents

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