標題: Bit error rate tester and pseudo random bit sequences generator thereof
作者: Chen
公開日期: 3-Feb-2009
摘要: A bit error rate tester and a pseudo random bit sequences (PRBS) generator thereof are provided. The bit error rate tester includes a transmitter PRBS generator, a master PRBS generator, a slave PRBS generator, a comparator, and a counting unit. The transmitter PRBS generator generates a parallel N-bit (N is an integer larger than 1) original PRBS, wherein an object to be tested receives the original PRBS and outputs a parallel N-bit code to be tested. The master and the slave PRBS generators generate a master and a slave parallel N-bit PRBS, respectively. The comparator receives, compares, and determines whether the code to be tested, the master and the slave PRBS are the same or not, and outputs a comparison result. The counting unit coupling to the comparator counts a number of bit errors based on the comparison result.
官方說明文件#: H04B003/46
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/104755
專利國: USA
專利號碼: 07486725
Appears in Collections:Patents

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