標題: Device for Measuring and Analyzing Electromyography signals
作者: CHOU Willy
Lin Bor-Shyh
Ou Chien-Zhi
公開日期: 31-十月-2013
摘要: A device is for measuring and analyzing electromyography signals obtained from a target body part that is divided into an unhealthy-side muscle group and a healthy-side muscle group, and includes an unhealthy-side measuring electrode unit to be disposed on the unhealthy-side muscle group for measuring an electromyography signal therefrom so as to generate unhealthy-side measured data, a healthy-side measuring electrode unit to be disposed on the healthy-side muscle group for measuring an electromyography signal therefrom so as to generate healthy-side measured data, and a control unit determining a correlation between the unhealthy-side measured data and the healthy-side measured data.
官方說明文件#: A61B005/0488
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/104987
專利國: USA
專利號碼: 20130289434


  1. 20130289434.pdf

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