作者: Chiu Hsien-Tai
公開日期: 17-十月-2013
摘要: The present invention provides a method for in vitro producing an indole derivative in a one-pot reaction. The method for producing a rhamnosylated indolocarbazole compound includes the steps of transforming a plasmid carrying a gene encoding N-glycosyltransferase into a bacterial strain; expressing the gene encoding N-glycosyltransferase in the bacterial strain; lysing the bacterial strain to obtain a crude enzyme extract; and adding TDP-glucose, an indolocarbazole aglycone and a metal ion in the crude enzyme extract for performing an enzymatic reaction to form the rhamnosylated indolocarbazole compound. Alternatively, the method for producing an indole-3-carboxaldehyde analog includes the steps of transforming a plasmid carrying a gene encoding NokA of Nocardiopsis sp. K-252 into a bacterial strain; expressing the gene encoding NokA in the bacterial strain; lysing the bacterial strain to obtain a crude enzyme extract; and adding an L-tryptophan analog for performing an enzymatic reaction to form the indole-3-carboxaldehyde analog.
官方說明文件#: C12P017/10
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/104990
專利國: USA
專利號碼: 20130273617


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