標題: Optical Three-Dimensional Coordinate Sensor System and Method Thereof
作者: Chao Paul C.P.
Lin Tzu-Yang
Chen Wei-Dar
公開日期: 19-一月-2012
摘要: The present invention relates an optical three-dimensional coordinate sensor system and method thereof. A plurality of light-emitting modules produce a plurality of light signals, and then a plurality of reflected light signals reflected by an object are received by a plurality of photodetectors. After receiving the reflected light signals, the photodetectors generate a plurality of photocurrents. A plurality of active pixel circuits receive the photocurrents and transform the photocurrents to a plurality of reflective optical voltages. A plurality of differential amplifier circuits (DAC) compare the reflective optical voltages and the background voltages, and then output a plurality of DAC output voltages of the reflected light signals. Afterward, a processing module detects the DAC output voltages and uses an algorithm to calculate the top three of the DAC output voltages to determine the three-dimensional coordinate of the object.
官方說明文件#: H03M001/22
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/105225
專利國: USA
專利號碼: 20120013486


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