標題: Method for preparing organic light emitting diode and device thereof
作者: Hsu Chain-Shu
Meng Hsin-Fei
Horng Sheng-Fu
Zan Hsiao-Wen
Tseng Hsin-Rong
Yeh Chung-Ling
Hsu Hung-Wei
Liu Chang-Yao
Yang Hsiu-Yuan
公開日期: 30-六月-2011
摘要: A method for fabricating an organic light emitting diode and a device thereof are provided. The method includes: providing a substrate; dispensing to the substrate a second organic molecule solution resulting from dissolving a second organic molecule in a solvent; applying the second organic molecule solution to a surface of the substrate so as to form a wet film layer; and heating the wet film layer by a heating unit to remove the solvent therefrom and thereby form a second organic molecule film. The method is effective in fabricating a uniform multilayer structure for use in fabrication of large-area photoelectric components.
官方說明文件#: B05D005/06
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/105284
專利國: USA
專利號碼: 20110159171


  1. 20110159171.pdf

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