標題: Micro-optical pickup
作者: Lee, Chi-Hung
Chiu, Yi
Shieh, Han-Ping D
公開日期: 2-七月-2009
摘要: A dynamic micro-machined optical device is applied in a micro-optical pickup. The micro-optical pickup includes an actuator and a dynamic grating, wherein the actuator may be a cantilever beam electrostatic actuator, a scratch drive actuator, a magnetic actuator or an electromagnetic actuator; and the actuator is controlled by applying an external voltage. The position of the dynamic grating is switchable between on and off the optical axis. When the external voltage is applied, the on-axis dynamic grating splits the light from a laser diode into multi-beams and the micro-optical pickup can rapidly retrieve information on the disk by simultaneously reading multi-tracks on the disk with multi low energy beams. When the external voltage is turned-off, the dynamic grating is off the optical axis and the light from the laser diode will pass directly and write information into the disk with single high energy beam.
官方說明文件#: G11B007/00
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/105514
專利國: USA
專利號碼: 20090168625


  1. 20090168625.pdf

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