標題: LCD with ambient light sense function and method thereof
作者: Tai, Ya-Hsiang
Ho, Han-Ching
Cheng, Chia-Pin
公開日期: 28-五月-2009
摘要: The invention discloses an LCD with an ambient light sense function and its method. The method compraises the step of: coupling a capacitor to a source electrode of a thin film transistor; calculating a transmission time which required by a potential change from the reduction of electric charges; and finally, calculating an intensity of the ambient light according to the transmission time. The invention further discloses an ambient light sense circuit having a thin film transistor, a capacitor and a read-out switch. As the ambient light changes, a leakage current of the thin film transistor is changed accordingly, and the transmission time which required by the potential change is therefore changed. The read-out switch transmits said potential to a data read-out line in order to calculate the intensity of the ambient light from the transmission time. The LCD of this invention includes a plurality of capacitors, a plurality of read-out switches and a processing module.
官方說明文件#: G02F001/1335
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/105525
專利國: USA
專利號碼: 20090135333


  1. 20090135333.pdf

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