標題: Sequence generating method
作者: Chen, Ching Wei
Zheng, Yan Xiu
Su, Yu Ted
Li, Chi Fang
公開日期: 23-Oct-2008
摘要: This invention provides a sequence generating method, in which the method has steps of generating R sets of orthogonal sequence with each set of the orthogonal sequence including N elements, generating a low-autocorrelation sequence having N elements, and multiplying the N elements of the low-autocorrelation sequence by the N elements of each of R sets of the orthogonal sequence point-to-point. Therefore, a sequence generated by the method of the present invention has low-autocorrelation and low-crosscorrelation in transmission characteristics of a communication system.
官方說明文件#: H04L023/02
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/105565
專利國: USA
專利號碼: 20080260063
Appears in Collections:Patents

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