Authors: Ker, Ming-Dou
Hu, Fang-Ling
Issue Date: 3-Jul-2008
Abstract: A mixed-voltage I/O buffer comprises an input circuit, an output circuit, an I/O pad, a pre-driver circuit coupled to the output circuit, two added coupled N-type transistors, and a dynamical gate-controlled circuit coupled to each gate of the two N-type transistors and the pre-driver circuit; one of the N-type transistors is coupled to the input circuit and the output circuit; the other N-type transistor and the dynamic gate-controlled circuit are together coupled to the I/O pad. Thereby, a mixed-voltage I/O buffer which receives 2×VDD-tolerant input signals and overcomes the hot-carrier degradation is realized.
Gov't Doc #: H03K019/0185
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/105588
Patent Country: USA
Patent Number: 20080157818
Appears in Collections:專利資料


  1. 20080157818.pdf

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