標題: Embedded network-controlled omni-directional motion system with optical flow based navigation
作者: Wu, Li-Wei
Cheng, Jung-Hung
Chang, Yung-Jung
Hu, Jwu-Sheng
公開日期: 28-六月-2007
摘要: The present invention discloses an embedded network-controlled omni-directional motion system with optical flow based navigation, wherein multiple motion units and at least one embedded network control system are installed to the body, and at least one optical flow sensor is installed on the ground-facing surface of the body. The movement of the body is driven by the motion units, and the motion unit has an omni-directional wheel and a motor device. The optical flow sensors detect the state of motion and create optical-flow detection data. The embedded network control system exchanges motion control instructions and optical-flow detection data with an external information-processing unit via a communication network. Further, the motion system of the present invention may also connect with peripheral control devices to increase the control convenience of the system. As the system of the present invention adopts an optical flow based navigation technology, the system of the present invention can be free from the influence of wheel sliding, environmental variation, and accumulated errors and can achieve accurate navigation.
官方說明文件#: G06F019/00
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/105649
專利國: USA
專利號碼: 20070150111


  1. 20070150111.pdf

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