Title: Multimedia short message template application system and broadcast system, multimedia short message template applying method and broadcast method
Authors: Chen, Deng-Jyi
Hung, Chi-Chang
Yang, Po-Chun
Issue Date: 14-Jun-2007
Abstract: A multimedia short message template application system and a broadcast system, a multimedia short message template applying method and a broadcast method are disclosed. The multimedia short message template application system comprises a multimedia object, a multimedia database, a template database and an applying unit. The multimedia object includes an object content attribute and an object motion attribute. The object motion attribute includes an interaction function. The multimedia database is composed of a multimedia data. The template database is composed of short message templates. Any short message template includes a combination arrangement of a multimedia object. A corresponding short message template is found by the applying unit from the template database based on the selection chosen by a user. A corresponding multimedia data is then found from the multimedia database based on the selection chosen by the user again. Lastly, the corresponding multimedia data is loaded into the object content attribute of the short message template within the multimedia object to make a multimedia short message.
Gov't Doc #: H04Q007/20
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/105650
Patent Country: USA
Patent Number: 20070136668
Appears in Collections:Patents

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