標題: Method and apparatus for telephone routing between PTN and PSTN
作者: Chang, Ming-Feng
Lin, Yi-Bing
Liang, Ching-Feng
公開日期: 31-五月-2007
摘要: Disclosed is a method and apparatus applicable to an interface between PSTN and PTN for telephone routing. The interface includes a branch switch, a key system, a network branch switch, and media gateway, etc. The telephone routing method and apparatus of the present invention creates, maintains, and utilizes a call-back routing table to enable a specified PSTN user to call the callback external leased line to reach a specified PTN user in a one-stage dialing manner. The process of one-stage dialing includes PTN call origination to PSTN, PSTN call origination to PTN, and callback tag insertion in the call-back routing table. The call-back routing table consists of a plurality of call-back tags. Each call-back tag consists of at least a data triple, i.e. PTN user identifier, PSTN called party telephone number, and callback leased line identifier.
官方說明文件#: H04L012/58
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/105654
專利國: USA
專利號碼: 20070123218


  1. 20070123218.pdf

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