標題: Computer executable graphic method of generating animation elements
作者: Chen, Ming-Jang
公開日期: 26-四月-2007
摘要: A computer executable graphic method of generating animation elements realized with computer software is provided, which is capable of being plugged in a computer graphics application, recorded in a recording and storage medium, or executed on a computer executable platform. Through an operating mode of a graphic user interface provided by a graphics system, various objects can be established to form various animation elements, and the animation elements can be activated with a trigger event executed by an input device to generate various interactive animation effects. According to the present method, a user can operate in a graphic mode to establish and generate an interactive animation visually, simply, and rapidly.
官方說明文件#: G06T015/70
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/105665
專利國: USA
專利號碼: 20070091095


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