作者: Lee, Cheng-Shih
Chang, Edward Yi
公開日期: 8-Sep-2005
摘要: An adjustable collimator and a sputtering apparatus with the same are provided. The adjustable collimator comprises an adjustable main body, first and second collimating elements. The adjustable main body has an interior space, a top portion, a bottom portion and an adjuster between the top portion and the bottom portion. The adjuster is adapted for adjusting a relative distance between the top portion and the bottom portion. A first collimating element fixed inside the interior space of the top portion in a manner to move with the top portion and a second collimating element fixed inside the interior space of the bottom portion to move with the bottom portion. When the adjustable collimator applies to sputtering apparatus, it can easily control the incident angel of the molecule of the sputtering material by adjusting a relative distance between the top and bottom portion.
官方說明文件#: G21K005/00
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/105732
專利國: USA
專利號碼: 20050194545
Appears in Collections:Patents

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